
How to Remove Gasoline Stains and Odors

Gasoline is one of the most difficult stains to remove from clothing or carpeting. The stain will not only be hard to remove, but it can also cause an unpleasant odor. Since gasoline evaporates quickly, you have a short time frame to clean up and treat the stain before it becomes permanent.

Luckily, there are several ways that you can go about removing gasoline stains and odors from your clothes and carpets. Below, we’ll cover some of the more popular removal methods.

Before You Begin

Before you start, make sure you test any detergents or cleaning solutions in an inconspicuous area to avoid damaging the fabric. Cleaning chemicals and the dryer’s high heat can interact with the gasoline, so it’s not safe to use a home dry cleaning kit for these stains.

If it’s dry clean only, immediately take the garment to a professional dry cleaner. Do not dry the clothes in a clothes dryer until the stain is entirely gone. This is because if gasoline is still present in the garment, it can ignite your dryer and cause a fire. 

Tools and Materials

Paper towelsSoaking basinWashing machineScrub brushBaking sodaWaterStain remover stick, spray, or gelAmmoniaVinegarOrange cleanerDish soap


Remove Excess Gasoline

If the gasoline splashes on your clothing and has begun to soak into the fibers, you need to remove it as much as possible immediately. Place a couple of paper towels over the stained area’s top, press down, and then pat dry with another clean paper towel until no more gasoline transfers from the garment. 

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You can also use baking soda to absorb gasoline from a wet spot on your clothing. Make sure you prevent the flammable towels or cloths used for blotting from starting a fire by setting out the cloth or towel to air dry. Flammable gas fumes will dissipate in the open air.

Once your item is dry, find a sealable metal tin, put the towel or cloth in it, and wet the material until it’s damp. Seal the container and discard it with your trash. 

Pre Treat with Stain Remover

Before you treat the stain with a stain remover, test the product on an inconspicuous area of the garment to ensure that it does not cause any discoloration or damage to the fabric. Apply a liberal amount of the stain remover to the clothing.

Pre Treat with Stain Remover
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Stain removers can be found at most local grocery stores in either an aerosol can or a liquid form. Wash the clothing at the hottest setting appropriate for the fabric. Hot water is necessary to remove the gas fully from the clothing.

Use Liquid Dish Soap or Heavy-Duty Laundry Detergent

Dish soap has powerful enzymes that can help it break down oil and grease left behind by food, and it can work very well for other stains such as gasoline. You can also use enzyme-based heavy-duty liquid detergent.

Apply two tablespoons of dish soap or liquid detergent with a soft-bristled brush. Allow your clothing to sit for up to five minutes before soaking it in hot water for 30 minutes. Make sure you use the hottest water safe for the fabric type. Remember not to use DIY laundry detergent as it won’t be effective enough.

Treat with Baking Soda Paste

Another great way to remove gasoline stains and odors is to make a baking soda paste. Mix two parts baking soda to one part water in a bowl. Apply it to the stain, then use a scrub brush to rub it into the fabric. Leave your clothing out to air dry to absorb the paste, then brush off the excess baking soda.

If the stain and odor remain, repeat the step or soak the stained clothes overnight submerged in water with one cup of baking soda added. Wash, rinse, and check for odor. Repeat the baking soda paste application or baking soda soak until the odor is gone.

Soak Lingering Odors White Vinegar

If you still have a gasoline smell after trying baking soda, you can try using white vinegar. Pour white vinegar into a spray bottle and spritz the area where the gasoline odor is present. Let the vinegar sit for about 30 minutes, then blot it up with a cloth.

The vinegar smell will dissipate over time. If you want to get rid of the gas smell in your car, soak the gas with old towels or clean rags as quickly as possible. Then use a mixture of equal parts baking soda, white vinegar, and hot water to neutralize the odor. 

Rub and wipe it away with a clean rug. If the smell lingers, use a few sprays of Febreze to get rid of the smell.

Soak Heavily Soiled Items in Ammonia Solution

Another way to remove gas stains and odors is by using ammonia. Soak the clothing in the washer full of warm water and one cup of non-sudsing household ammonia. This will smell, so make sure you shut the lid. Let them soak for several hours overnight, then drain and wash as usual. 

The ammonia will neutralize the gasoline odor. Never use chlorine bleach or detergent containing chlorine with ammonia. This mixture can make a dangerous chlorine gas that produces toxic fumes.

Remove Gasoline Stain with Coca Cola

Another household remedy for gasoline odor and stains is Coke. Soak the stained clothing in a bucket of Coca-Cola and let sit overnight before washing as usual. This will also remove any grease, oil, or tar stains from items such as motor oil and grease stains on clothes, driveway spills, and grass trimmings stuck to your clothes after cutting the lawn.

You can also add two cans of Coke and one box of baking soda to a sink filled with cold water. The Coke will break down the stain while baking soda absorbs the odor.

Fast Orange Laundry Detergent

If you have a severe gasoline odor, Fast Orange is a laundry detergent that can help. This detergent is formulated to remove stains and odors on clothes caused by gasoline, oil, and other mechanical fluids. Add one cup to your washing machine and let it run through the entire cycle.

You can also use this detergent for hand washing by pouring a little of it into the water, stirring it up, and letting the fabric soak for about 30 minutes. Then rinse the clothing, and the gasoline stain and odor will be removed.

FAQs on How to Remove Gasoline Stains and Odors

Can you put gasoline-stained clothes in the dryer?

It’s not good to put gasoline stained clothes in the dryer because the heat will set the stain and make it harder to remove. The best way to dry clothing that has been stained with gasoline is to line dry or air dry the clothing outside. This will help to dissolve the fumes and reduce the risk of fire.

Can you use bleach on gasoline stains?

You should never use bleach on gasoline stains because it will make them worse. Gasoline stains are oil-based, and bleach will only set the stain, making it more difficult to remove.

Final Thought on How to Remove Gasoline Stains and Odors

Gasoline can be a tough stain to remove. But if you follow the above tips carefully, removing gasoline stains and odors won’t be a problem. Also, consider pre-heating the clothing with the right products to break down the stain and odor before washing to effectively remove these types of stains.


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10 Houseplants You Can Grow in Water

Growing plants in water is not a common practice. Houseplants that grow in water are beautiful and easy to care for. You don’t need any green thumb or special equipment to start growing these plants. All you need is a jar, fill it up halfway with clay pebbles at the bottom, add soil on top of the pebbles. You can then plant your seeds or seedlings and wait until they bloom.

The best part about houseplants that grow in water is that they will last forever without replacing them every year like other types of plants do. These are low maintenance indoor plants which means there’s no need for watering them very often or fertilizing them.  

What which ones are those plants? This article outlines 10 houseplants that grow in water and would be perfect for your home.

1. Spider Plant

This is a very decorative and popular houseplant with many small white flowers, perfect for decorating your home. Spider plant also makes one of the best plants for the bedroom, thanks to its beauty and air purification. It’s great because the leaves on the Spider Plant are so big and add contrast if you place them in a group with other smaller plants or flowers around them.

To grow this plant, take a few cuttings from the parent plant and place them in a glass jar or any container filled with water. You can leave them there or move them into a pot with soil after they root. If you plan on moving them to a pot, let the roots grow until they seem strong enough to support the plant.

2. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is one of the easiest plants to grow in water without much sunlight or maintenance. It’s a popular type of houseplant because it’s believed to bring good luck and fortune to the owner. The hardy stalks of lucky bamboo can become a living centerpiece, no soil required. 

The indoor plants grow in water, and a narrow vase is a perfect fit for them. You can purchase these plants online, and their basic versions are inexpensive. The lucky bamboo tends to become top-heavy and will topple in smaller containers, so look for a container that’s sturdy enough.

Plant them in a wider container and surround them with colorful gravel or pebbles, which will add to the ornamental value and provide some support.

3. The Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese evergreen plant is also known as the claw or peace lily plant. The dark green leaves of this houseplant are shaped like claws, and they can grow to be four feet tall. This lush greenery is the perfect indoor plant for beginners because it’s hardy and doesn’t require too much attention.

Chinese evergreen plants are also carefree indoor plants tolerant of low light conditions and general neglect. These features make it a popular indoor plant for those looking for no-fuss greenery. This plant also makes an excellent office or dorm room plant. To grow it in water, clip six-inch-long stems, placing them in a bright room and indirect sunlight as too much light can cause algae growth.

4. Heartleaf Philodendron

Heart leaf philodendron is an easy-to-grow houseplant that thrives even in low light. To grow heartleaf philodendrons in water, cut off any stems hanging over the edge of a container and place them in indirect light until new leaves appear. These vining plants are harder to kill than to keep alive.

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It has glossy, heart-shaped leaves with stems that can cascade down four feet or more. If you want a more compact plant, occasional pinching back leggy stems will help maintain a bushy growth habit. To grow this tropical plant in water, take a four to eight-inch long stem cutting, remove the bottom leaves, and place them in water.

Keep the container in a site with bright light but away from direct sun. Also, avoid keeping the plant in a cold room as it grows best in temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Feed philodendron plants occasionally by adding a drop of liquid organic fertilizer to the water.

5. Sweet Potato Vine

Although the sweet potato vine is a tender tropical, it can be grown in water indoors. Cuttings should be made from green stems and allowed to heal for at least 24 hours before planting them in containers filled with peat-based potting mix or a mixture of perlite or gravel and sand. This trailing plant can grow four to five feet long.

It has lime green, heart-shaped leaves, but many cultivars offer unique and eye-catching foliage. Leaf colors range from burgundy to purple to bronze, and foliage is also varied for layers of interest. You can clip pieces of the stems in autumn to grow indoors over winter, then take six to eight-inch long cuttings, clipping just below a leaf node.

6. Coleus

Coleus plants are easy to propagate and grow by rooting stem cuttings in water, allowing you to create a colony of handsome coleus houseplants. They make a lovely counterpiece in a mason jar filled with water. 

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To grow coleus, take a six-inch cutting and remove the leaves from the bottom four inches, then immerse it in a jar filled with water and watch it grow for several weeks. Adding a bit of compost tea to the water during monthly changes will help your coleus plants thrive. This plant also requires indirect sunlight, making it a great choice to grow indoors all year round.

7. Peace Lily

The peace lily is a lovely tropical plant with showy white flowers, which enjoys the humidity of the bathroom. It will grow in water as long as you provide it with indirect light and room to spread. In order for your peace lily plants to thrive, you should rinse them carefully before putting them into their jar of water. 

This will help remove any built-up fertilizer salts. If you buy peace lilies, examine their roots carefully for damage before planting them. Fill a container with distilled water and not chlorinated water, which will damage the plant. Cut a hole on the top of a plastic stopper and use this to keep the plant in place by placing it at the top of the container.

Insert your lilies in the container and ensure the roots are completely submerged. You can add a few drops of liquid fertilizers or a small quantity of water soluble fertilizer. However, be careful with a peace lily in the house as it’s among the plants that are toxic to pets

8. Wandering Jew

Wandering Jew is one of the easiest houseplants to grow using this method. The plant should be well watered before you place it in its container. You don’t have to worry about fertilizer because it has no nutritional needs. 

To grow a wandering Jew in water, submerge the cuttings from the mature wandering Jew plant in a jar of water, submerging only the stem and not the leaves as the latter submerged in water will rot the cutting. Leave in an area with plenty of sunlight and watch it root in just a few weeks.

9. Impatiens

The key to successfully growing impatiens in water is to select the right kind of stem cuttings. Take young, soft shoots that are just pink in color with no flowers or buds. Cut off about 1 inch of these shoots under running water.

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Impatiens can also grow as marginal pond plants, and that’s how much they adore water. Snip off a few stems at the end of the growing season and overwinter them in a vase where they’ll root and grow as clones of the parent plant.

10. Pothos Plant

Pothos plants are some of the easiest houseplants to grow in water. Cut off a stem or two from an existing pothos plant and place them in a vase or jar of water. Plant the stems in the soil as soon as they root (usually within 2-3 weeks). Make sure the potting soil is damp but not wet.

Pothos Plant
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FAQs on Houseplants You Can Grow in Water

What are growing plants in water called?

The technique of growing plants in water without soil is called hydroponics.

What are the benefits of houseplants grown in water?

Houseplants grown in water generally have more vigorous growth and lush foliage than those grown in soil. They’re also easier to care for because you don’t have to worry about watering them regularly or fertilizing them.

Final Thought on Houseplants that You Can Grow in Water

Are you looking to add some green cover but lack space and time in your home? Well, with these house plants that need only water to grow, it’s easy to have some plants around that don’t require much attention. In addition, these indoor plants add life to an otherwise dull dorm or living room. So, what are you waiting for? Plant these house plants and enjoy the beauty they bring.


The post 10 Houseplants You Can Grow in Water appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.


How to Grow and Care for Heather Shrubs

It can be hard to choose the perfect ground cover for your garden. There are so many options, like grasses and perennials, but not all will work well in every situation. Heather plants are a great option for those who want an attractive flower that acts as a natural weed suppressant. 

This is because heather plants have deep roots that help keep weeds from growing around their base. They also make a great butterfly garden and attract other plant pollinators to your garden. If you’re looking for a ground cover that can keep your garden lush and green all year round, consider heather plants.

Here’s how to grow and care for heather shrubs.

Understanding Heaths and Heathers

As calluna Vulgaris, Heather plants are evergreen perennials found in woodlands and open fields, most often in sandy climates with low drainage and acidic soils. On the other hand, heaths or Erica describe an unrelated group of flowering plants. 

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Although heaths and heathers belong to the same family called, they’re botanically different and are divided into the Calluna genus and Erica genus. But for practical purposes, they are both referred to as heaths or heathers. Heaths bloom from May to September and come in pink, purple, red, white, and yellow.

Heather blooms from August to November and comes in dark pink, purple, and white shades. Both heaths and heathers have fine foliage that forms a dense carpet. The tiny leaves are evergreen with needle-like shapes that grow in four rows along twisted stems.

Heathers and Landscaping

While the blooms of heather plants are the main attraction for gardeners and pollinators alike, their foliage should be your main focus. For example, you can choose to grow a variety called Calluna Vulgaris Firefly because it changes foliage color from copper in the summer to deep red in the winter.

When other ornamental plants are either dormant or looking weary in the winter, your heathers will radiate different shades of bright and lively colors. This makes them ideal for pathways and open areas in your garden. It’s also recommended to pair them with dwarf conifers.

Heather Plant Varieties

You have plenty of choices when it comes to heather varieties to grow. Even though heaths and heathers are often mistaken for each other, heaths are usually smaller and less colorful than heathers. Here are the heather plant varieties:


Also known as winter is fluffy foliage that changes color from winter to summer. Some varieties bloom in the summer, while others have their flowers open up in the winter. By growing different blooming varieties, you can have bright colors all year round.

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A popular choice for colder climates, this heather plant variety can thrive in USDA zone 4 or 5. They are known to be low maintenance, but they are recommended to grow with acidic soil. They have green foliage, but they bloom in white, lavender, and purple. 

They can tolerate partial shade, although they favor full sun. Their flowers bloom from mid-spring through fall. They’re also called bell heath, thanks to their bell shape. 

Calluna Vulgaris

This is the most popular of all heather types. These heather shrubs have different shapes, sizes, and colors. They’re the recommended type to grow in your garden, thanks to their high tolerance to cold. They can also thrive in rocky or poor soil, making them perfect rock garden plants. Most varieties bloom in the summer and early fall.

How to Grow Heather Plants

Plant heaths and heathers in open areas, up hillsides, or along pathways.  They pair well with dwarf conifers which require similar acidic soil conditions. They tolerate poor, rocky soil and even salty spray, making them marvelous along coastal hillsides where little else will grow. 

Avoid planting in dry sites, under trees, or in areas exposed to harsh winter winds because they’ll suffer dehydration as evergreens. Heathers don’t become drought tolerant immediately, so they may not be the best choice if your garden is very dry. Heaths grow about one foot tall by 11/2 feet wide while heathers about 2 feet tall by 2 to 3 feet wide. 

Space them as far apart as their mature width and at least 2 feet away from other shrubs to foster good air circulation. Most heather plant cultivars have USDA hardiness zones between 4 and 6, making them ideal for cold to moderate climates. Some heather shrubs can also grow in hardiness zones between 3 and 10, allowing them to grow in diverse climates and weather conditions. 

No matter the type of soil you have, make sure you till it before planting heathers. Consider a sunny spot and dig a hole in the soil twice as deep and wide as the plant’s root ball you got from the nursery. 

Your foliage should be as close to the ground as possible and water the soil to help the plant rest and avoid soaking. This is because the roots of heathers are sensitive to waterlogged soil. Choose acidic mulch to cover the soil as heathers prefer slightly acidic soil.

Caring for Heather Plants

Soil Requirements

Heather plants do well in a variety of soils but prefer acidic soil. Till the soil before planting heathers to ensure good drainage. If your soil is not acidic, mix in some organic matter to make it so. They’re also tolerant to very poor, rocky soil, but acidity is important. 

If you have neutral or alkaline soil, consider acidic soil amendments such as damp peat moss. Avoid using sedge peat or spent mushroom compost as these can be too alkaline. Yellow leaves are a sign that soil pH lacks enough acidity for the plants. So, consider testing the soil pH for growing this shrub.

If you have heavy clay soil, you can double-dig the ground and incorporate lots of peat moss or ericaceous compost mixed with one-third of sand or grit to improve drainage. You can also plant your heather shrub on a raised bed using an equal mix of compost, composted bark, or peat moss and sand. This will not only create acidic soil but will also create well-drained soil.

Consider Sun Exposure

Heather plants need full sun to partial shade. In hot climates, it provides afternoon shade. A heather garden should be planted in a position where it will be unshaded for all or most of the day. If possible, site your heather plants, so the main view is from the south as foliage heathers always color well on the southern side.

Plant your heathers where they’ll get at least six or more hours of sunlight each day for the foliage effect, with afternoon shade on hotter days. Too much shade makes the plants leggy and dulls the brilliance of those that have colorful foliage.

Watering Heather Plants

Water heathers regularly, keeping the soil moist but not wet. Heather plants do not like to have their roots sitting in water, so make sure that the soil drains well. Mulching heather plants will help retain moisture in the soil. Their drought tolerant is normally established within two to three years from planting.

After that, your heather shrubs will take care of themselves. So, make sure you water your heather shrub during this time to keep the soil evenly moist and not soggy.

Temperature and Humidity Requirements

The ideal temperature range for heather plants is between 35-55 degrees Fahrenheit. You can grow these lovely evergreen shrubs throughout the country as long as you take care of them properly, but some zones are better than others.

Fertilizer Requirements

Heathers require very little fertilizer. You can apply for a slow-release, granular form of balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer in the spring and summer months at the rate recommended on the package.

However, unless you grow heather for its flowers, never fertilize during the winter months. Doing so will encourage tender new growth, which will be damaged or killed when the inevitable cold of winter arrives.

Pruning Requirements

After the blooms fade and the snows blow in, Heathers can look a bit ragged and scraggly. To remedy this, cut back any remaining flower stalks to just above where they emerge from the shrub’s foliage.  Pruning heather is a snap with most models of hand pruners. 

The best time for heather pruning is in early spring, shortly before the plants go dormant for winter. In areas prone to harsh winters, it’s especially important to prune heathers at this time because any tender new growth that emerges in the spring will be killed off by the cold.

Common Problems for Heather

Heather isn’t susceptible to many problems, but the available ones are easily avoidable. These include:

Powdery Mildew

The single most common problem that heather faces are powdery mildew. If you’re growing your shrub in an area with hot, dry summers, this could be the problem you’re facing when keeping your plant healthy. 

To prevent powdery mildew from appearing on your heather, make sure you prune faithfully every spring to keep plants compact, thereby improving airflow. Also, avoid overhead overwintering.

Root Rot

Rot typically sets in during very wet winters or springs. The telltale sign of root rot is plants that suddenly wilt, despite being well watered. If you think your heather might have root rot, dig around the base of the plant and take a look at the roots. If they’re brown and mushy, then your plant has root rot.

To prevent rot, make sure your heather is in sunny, well-drained soil and water sparingly when it’s going through a dry spell or very cold periods. If you suspect root rot, re-pot your plant into a fresh potting mix before bringing the shrub indoors during winter.

FAQs on How to Grow and Care for Heather Shrubs

What are the practical uses of heather shrubs?

Heather is an excellent plant for the landscape or garden. It can be used as a ground cover, border plant, or specimen. It can be made into tea and herbal remedies. It has been thought to help with cough and stomach upset ailments.

Final Thought on How to Grow and Care for Heather Shrubs

As you can see, growing and caring for these plants is not too difficult. They require little care and maintenance, and their bright colors and fragrant blooms make them a pleasant addition to any garden or landscape.


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How to Design a Nursery

Are you looking for ways to design a nursery for your newborn baby? Well, there are so many beautiful baby items out there you can use to create a lovely place for your little one. You want to create a beautiful nursery for your newborn baby, but you don’t know where to start. 

We’ve created this guide with all the tips and tricks you need in order to design a lovely place for your little one. Let’s get started!

Plant a Seed

Naomi Alon Coe who is an interior designer of Little Con Interiors, specializing in nursery and child design, says that many clients come to her with a single item that inspires the overall design. It can be a wallpaper pattern or just a crib or another piece of furniture they fall in love with.

Decorate the Walls with Decals

Your baby’s nursery is one of the most important rooms you will design. It contains everything your child needs for napping, feeding, and playing. Take some time to think carefully about how you want it to look.

Wall decals are inexpensive, easy to install yourself, and can be removed without causing damage if you change your mind about the decoration you want. You can find a wide range of shapes and colors in the local shops near you or online.

dd Relevant Furniture to Your Baby Nursery

When it comes time to start furnishing your nursery, you’ll likely spend lots of time looking at different cribs, dressers, and changing tables. It can be difficult to know what to buy when your child is still very small, and their needs may change rapidly. One piece of furniture that will come in handy is a rocking chair.

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Not only does it provide a comfortable place for you to rock your baby to sleep, but it can also be used as a feeding chair. If you’re looking for a dresser to match your nursery decor, make sure you select one that has storage for diapers and other baby items. Every nursery also needs a glider to get the baby back to sleep and for late-night feedings.

Doing so will allow you to keep everything neatly organized in one place. Storkcraft Portofino 4 in 1 convertible crib or changing table will convert from a crib to a toddler bed then a full-sized bed. It also features plenty of shelving and drawer space. The changing table also detaches to act as a nightstand when your baby is past the diaper stage.

Maximize Your Small Space

According to interior designers and decorators, if your baby’s nursery is small, you’ll want to consider the feature wall color. You can easily and inexpensively paint the room a light color to make it look bigger.

Maximize Your Small Space
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Also, add a mirror to open up the appearance of the room. In addition, consider buying a baby a rounded crib as opposed to a traditional one. The round crib isn’t always cheap, but it’s a gorgeous family heirloom that you can pass down from generation to generation.

Round cribs can go into different areas of the room more than rectangular ones. You can also put a round crib center of the room if needed.

Consider Upholstered Nailhead Double Chaise

If you have a little more space, consider adding an accent chair to the room. The chair can be used as a place for your child to sit or nap, or it can simply serve as decoration. You could even put this beautiful West Elm upholstered chaise in the room.

From there, furnish the rest of the room with a mix of storage and display pieces. Look for pieces that will grow with your child. A changing table that can later be used as a desk or a low dresser that can function as a bookshelf are great options.

Don’t Go Overboard with a Theme

It can be tempting to settle on a theme for the nursery right away, but it’s best to wait until your baby’s arrival. Some babies are born with dark hair and olive complexions, while others are born blonde and fair-skinned. Babies also come out looking like either their mom or dad, meaning that they might already look like they fit into a certain theme.

If you’re not sure what theme to choose, it’s best to go with a gender-neutral design that can grow with your child. For example, interior designer Cathie Hong of Cathie Hong interiors cautions against overdoing the modern trend of having a nursery theme.

Even if your nursery has a specific theme, try to keep the color palette soft and minimal to create a calm and non-stimulating environment for both the mom and the baby.

Design a Room the Will Grow with Your Baby

While you might want to create a beautiful room for your baby’s arrival, it’s important to keep in mind that the room will have to grow with your baby.

An interior designer called Bean recommends choosing elements in draperies, wall coverings, and lighting so that with a few changes in furnishings, art, and accessories, the room can still work for tweens and teens.

Consider the Lighting

When lighting your nursery, use dimmer switches because they create a calming atmosphere. You’ll also want to have plenty of task lighting so that you can see what you’re doing when you’re caring for your baby at night.

Also, consider a ceiling fan or overhead light combo because they’re an excellent accessory in a nursery to keep it cool, comfortable, and ventilated. After some diaper changes, you’ll be thankful for having a well-ventilated room. 

Test your bulbs for overheating and ensure you’re using the appropriate bulb wattage for your lamp, especially table lamps. Avoid floor lamps; even if they look nice next to a reading chair or a dim corner, they’re not the best choice ever for a nursery.

Make a Nursing Nest

A nursing nest is a great addition to your nursery if you’re planning to breastfeed. It’s a comfortable place for you and your baby to relax together and can be helpful in getting your newborn to latch on correctly. You can make your own nursing nest out of a soft blanket or buy one that’s already made. You can also keep a small end table with drawers or shelving for cubbies next to your cozy nursing chair for your stuff.

You can stock a few things, including baby food, nursing pads, burp cloths, extra blankets for spit-up incidents, and wipes. You can also store a water bottle, maybe a good book or magazine, and a feeding log if you’re early in the game.

Changing Area

You’re going to want a changing area in your nursery. This can be as simple as a changing pad on top of your vintage dresser, a changing tray, or an actual changing table. If you have the space, go for the changing table – it’ll make diaper changes easier. You’ll want to have plenty of stores nearby for diapers, wipes, ointments, powder, and other essentials. 

Keep a good stock of diapers in the nursery to make late-night changes easier on you and your baby. If you have a big enough budget, it might be worth getting a pack n’ play bassinet to keep in the room for speedy diaper changes during the first few months.

Install Black Out Shades or Drapes

Your baby will likely sleep best in a dark room. Install blackout shades or drapes to ensure the room is as dark as possible when your little one is trying to get some shut-eye. This will not only help your baby sleep better but will also keep the room cooler in the summertime. It’s great for comfort but, most importantly, for safety.

Get Organized

No one likes a messy room. Learn how to declutter your room to clear off surfaces. Make sure to put away any loose or potentially dangerous items before your baby arrives. If you store everything in the closet, you’ll have easy access to all clothes for middle-of-the-night changes. You can use cubbies, baskets and toy boxes to throw stuff in and locate it easily later on.

Get Organized
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At least one wall should be reserved for changing diapers, dressing, bathing, and so on. You’ll want to have easy access to a sink, toilet, and storage for diapers, wipes, and other necessities. When choosing nursery furniture, it’s important to think about both form and function. 

You’ll need a place for your little one to sleep, play, and store all of their necessities. Few of us can afford to buy a changing table, so you’ll want to look for items that can double as both a play area and diaper station. A dresser with ample storage space and a mirror provides room for clothes, toys, diapers, and other baby essentials.

Keep Colors in Nursery Simple and Practical

When it comes to color, it’s best to keep things simple in the nursery. Bright colors can be stimulating and overstimulating for a newborn baby. Stick to neutrals like grays, greens, and blues, or go with soft pastels. Knowing your child’s gender ahead of time is also essential as it can help you determine the color palette.

For example, if your kid is a baby girl, you can paint walls in lavender and white, with a carpet in the same colors. For your son’s nursery, consider other neutral colors that are colors of boys. Make sure you redesign and tweak the room to reflect your child’s personal tastes.

These colors will be soothing for your little one and won’t clash with their eventual room décor. If you’re looking for more helpful tips on nursery design, check out the Pinterest board.

FAQs on How to Design a Nursery

What are the most important factors to consider when designing a nursery?

The most important factors to consider when designing a nursery include the qualification of the staff, getting ready for school, and health and safety.

When should you prepare a nursery?

It’s best to put together a nursery before your baby is on the way so you won’t feel rushed when the time comes.

What color should I paint my baby’s room?

While it’s tempting to go bold, painting your little one’s bedroom in bright colors could restrict their vision and sense of security. Stick to neutrals like yellow, blue, and white.

What should I put on the walls?

Artwork can be a great decoration for your little angel’s room. It helps them express their personality while teaching them about shapes, patterns, and color recognition. Don’t forget to include pictures of your family members too.

Final Thought on How to Design a Nursery

As you can see, answering how to design a nursery is not as difficult as it seems. Just keep in mind your child’s needs and wants, and make sure to have a lot of fun with the process. 


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Ceramic Tile Flooring Review: Pros and Cons

Are you looking for flooring material that can be used in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom? Ceramic tile is a great flooring material, but it comes with some advantages and disadvantages that you should consider before installing them in your home. 

Also, deciding whether ceramic tiles are best for your new floors depends on your style preference and budget. Let’s have a comprehensive review of ceramic tiles to see if they can be a great option for your home.

What is Ceramic Tile Flooring?

Ceramic tile flooring is a type of hard tile made from clay. It is then kiln fired, making it a durable and long-lasting material. Ceramic tiles are available in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. They can be used in both residential and commercial spaces. 

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Ceramic tile is also known as porcelain tile or non-porcelain tile. Porcelain tiles are more durable and dense than non-porcelain tiles. Ceramic tiles come in many varieties depending on the production process. Natural stone tiles are a well-known type of tile flooring, while other types of quarried stone include granite, marble, and slate.

Each of these tile flooring types has its specific characteristics and appearance. Natural stone tiles are more expensive than ceramic tiles.

Pros of Ceramic Tile Floors

Ceramic tiles are known for their versatility, low maintenance requirements, and moisture resistance. They have a hard surface that doesn’t hold onto or attract dust, dirt, or pollen. Learn some of the pros of ceramic tiles below:

Easy to Maintain

Ceramic tiles are relatively easy to maintain, requiring only a basic mopping every so often. If any stains, dirt, or liquids get on it, they will all rest on top and won’t get absorbed. You can also keep them clean frequently by using a vacuum with a soft brush attachment or a broom to get any loose debris and dirt off the floor. 

If any stains happen, you can use any cleaner, just like how to clean tile floors of different kinds. In addition to being easy to clean, germs won’t harbor on the floor, making it a great advantage when running a business that serves the public, such as a restaurant.

They’re Affordable on Any Budget

One of the biggest pros of ceramic tile flooring is that it is one of the most affordable types of flooring that you can buy. It ranges in price, so no matter what your budget is, you will be able to find a style and color that fits your needs. Most tiles will cost around $5 to $10 per square foot.

Tile is also more cost-effective than hardwood flooring but expensive than carpet. You can also find low-end ceramic tiles for as little as $0.50 per square foot and high-end tiles for as much as $15 per square foot. 

When finalizing your budget, ensure you account for additional installation costs such as labor, tools, and supplies. This is because as you look into the better-looking tile and professional installation, tile flooring can cost more than quality hardwood flooring.

They Can Withstand High Traffic Areas

One of the benefits that ceramic tiles offer is that they can support heavy foot traffic. This means you can walk on them every day without wearing them down or having to worry about creaking noises while you walk over them. However, keep in mind the quality will yield more wear and tear than higher-end tile.

The intense firing process makes ceramic harder to crack than porcelain or stone tiles. A quality tile flooring installation should last 20 years, which could add long-term value to your property if properly maintained.

Water Resistance

Another benefit of ceramic tiles is that they are extremely water resistant. This will be perfect for areas with high humidity or the possibility of spilling liquids, giving you peace of mind knowing your floors will remain safe. There is a protective layer on top of the material, making it stain and water resistant. 

This is very important in bathrooms and kitchens as the ceramic tile will last longer than other materials. If you buy unglazed tile such as traditional Saltillo tile, you’ll need to seal it to protect the surface from any liquids it might encounter. It must be properly sealed because the grout lines between the tiles can be susceptible to moisture. 

Otherwise, water can get down deep into the lines, weakening their installation and putting them at risk for mold growth. This can lead to costly problems down the road.

Ceramic Tiles are Durable

Another element to consider is the durability of ceramic tiles. These floors are extremely sturdy and can stand up to heavy foot traffic very well. They won’t crack or break like other materials would, so you don’t have to worry about any unnecessary replacements that might affect the aesthetic value of your home. 

And when one tile ends up breaking due to severe impact, you can easily replace the tile without redoing the entire floor. This allows you to keep your overall costs down because you don’t need to replace your tiles regularly.

They’re Allergen Resistant

Due to their hard, solid surface, ceramic tiles have a lot less porous area than other materials. This, in turn, makes them resistant to allergens and bacteria that might affect the overall health of the people living inside a house.

Allergen particles are easy to spot and remove, making them a great choice for family members who suffer from allergies and asthma. Ceramic tiles are a great option for people looking to keep the environment of their house free from harmful allergens or irritating materials floating in the air.

Ceramic Tiles Come in a Variety of Designs

The ceramic tiles currently on the market come in various colors, patterns, finishes, and designs, from subtle neutrals to bold mosaics. This makes it easy for homeowners to find the perfect tiles to match their home’s interior design scheme.

Ceramic Tiles Come in a Variety of Designs
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Modern printing technology has also led to styles that mimic concrete, wood, and marble. This means that you can create a truly custom look by cutting your tile into planks or larger squares to make your space feel more open. You can also learn how to paint ceramic tiles and give them a perfect look.

Cons of Ceramic Tiles

The durability and moisture resistant feature of ceramic tile comes at a cost. So, it’s important to understand the drawbacks of this flooring option before heading to the home improvement center to make the purchase:

They’re Not Very Comfortable to Walk On

One of the biggest complaints about ceramic tile is that it’s not very comfortable to walk on. This is because it’s a hard surface, leading to joint pain and leg fatigue over time. Tile’s hardness can also be uncomfortable in areas where people stand for long periods, like in front of the kitchen sink or stovetop.

However, a few strategically placed area rugs and cushioned mats can help absorb some of that discomfort. As an advantage, the tile floor will feel great to step on the cold floor during the hot summer months.

It’s Slippery When Wet

Another drawback is that ceramic floor tile, like other hard surfaces, can be very slippery when it gets wet. This can pose a safety hazard if you have young children or older adults in your home. It’s especially dangerous to walk on tiles with water or ice because it can cause people to slip and fall. 

It's Slippery When Wet
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This floor option is quite slippery, and if you’re installing them in highly trafficked areas, you want to prevent accidents as much as possible. In that case, avoid installing them in spots where liquid or water is spilled often on the floor, leading to injuries. For example, avoid using them in public bathrooms as you don’t want a lawsuit on your hands from a customer slipping on the wet tile flooring.

They Require Maintenance to Prevent Moisture Damage

Another thing to consider before picking ceramic tile flooring is that it requires a lot of maintenance. If you’re not careful, the tiles could get damaged from water and moisture, making them a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. With the grout lines acting as a pathway for liquid, this can be especially dangerous if anyone slips or trips.

A grout sealer is highly recommended on ceramic tile flooring to keep the moisture out and prevent damage like tiles’ watermarks. This also ensures that moisture doesn’t damage the underlying subfloor causing it to warp or crack. On top of this, having perfect subfloor conditions will ensure your tiles stay in place for years to come.

They’re Heavy

Tile flooring is heavy, making it a bad choice for upper-story installations. If it’s necessary to put tile flooring on the top level of a business establishment, then a professional should first check out the framing and building structure to ensure it can support the weight of tiles.

Ceramic Tile is Hard

Tile flooring is made out of ceramic, which is naturally hard. If you’ve ever stepped barefoot on a tile floor and felt the pain or heard your mother telling you not to run around on it, then you know how tough ceramic tiles are. Resilient floors can be softened with padded underlayment, but tile cannot.

Therefore, it doesn’t make for the best material for those who need to stand for hours at a time. You can use area rugs or throw rugs in the places where people stand most, like in front of the kitchen sink or behind the counter at the cash register.

High Installation Cost

Ceramic tile installation is not a do-it-yourself project. It’s also a time-consuming job that needs professionals. And, because of all the labor involved in the process, it is one of the most expensive flooring options you can choose.

Homeowners who want to install their tile should be careful of products that are easy to install and avoid tricky tiles such as large rectified tile, polished stone tile, and natural clay or Saltillo tile, which should be left for professionals.

FAQs on Ceramic Tile Flooring Review

Is ceramic tile good for flooring?

Ceramic tile is a good choice for flooring because it is durable, easy to clean, and can be installed in many different patterns and different rooms at home.

How can you tell porcelain tile from ceramic tile?

Ceramic tile is usually made in pottery or kiln, while porcelain tile comes from the same conditions but undergoes further refinement. The clay used in porcelain tiles tends to be purer and refined than ceramic tiles. Ceramic is designed for indoor use, while porcelain can be used indoors and outdoors.

Final Thought on Ceramic Tile Flooring Review

There you have it. The pros and cons of using ceramic tile on your floors. So, before you make the final decision on what to put down, make sure you weigh all your options.


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How to Make a Butterfly Garden

Butterflies are admired for their bright colors and graceful movements. In addition, butterfly gardening is more than just an aesthetic choice to bring color to your garden, but butterflies also act as pollinators. They can greatly benefit the health of your garden plants. A butterfly garden provides a colorful array of nectar-producing plants that attract butterflies and offer plants to feed the caterpillar of their life cycle. 

Whether it’s an indoor or outdoor space that is available, there are many options when it comes to creating a beautiful environment for these delicate creatures. Keep reading.

What is a Butterfly Garden?

Also known as butterfly sanctuary or butterfly habitat, it is an area for butterflies to feed and thrive. The plants you grow in your butterfly habitat attract butterflies and moths, which help with pollination.

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A proper butterfly garden can accommodate a variety of butterfly species at each stage of their entire life cycle, such as egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Butterflies are most attractive from spring to late summer when plant growth is peaking.

Steps for Creating a Butterfly Garden

Choose the Right Location

Select free-draining soil, preferably with full sun. However, there are butterflies who live for several seasons in shaded areas; one example is the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), which will remain in hibernation during summer when there is no shade. So, make sure that your location gets the right amount of sunlight for flowers to grow and attract butterflies.

Select Flowers that Attract Butterflies

Certain flowers are naturally more attractive to butterflies than others. Nectar-rich plants will bring in many types of butterflies, while flower shape and color can also matter. Serious butterfly gardeners fill their garden with nectar plants and host plants.

Select Flowers that Attract Butterflies
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Adult butterflies drink nectar, so a nectar source will entice them to come to your garden. Host plants provide a place for butterflies to lay eggs, and they serve as food sources for caterpillars once the larvae hatch. The plant you grow will also support butterfly chrysalises, and different plants attract different butterfly species. 

For instance, monarch caterpillars are primarily attracted to milkweeds, and swallowtail butterflies are drawn to verbena and lantanas. Other examples of butterfly-friendly flowering plants include aster flowers which are an important source of nectar for migrating butterflies in the fall. But before that, the butterfly larvae of the Pearl Crescent feed on its foliage.

The Showy Zebra Longwing butterfly, a Florida and Texas resident, feeds its babies exclusively on the foliage of the passionflower. And if you reside in the Eastern half of the United States, you may attract the iridescent Eastern tailed blue to your garden with a host planting of sweet peas. Many garden centers have labels on plants that are butterfly-friendly.

Use Organic, Homemade Bait to Attract Butterflies

If you want to attract butterflies to your garden, using bait is one way to do it. You can either buy or make your bait. Sugar and yeast-based bait can provide food and essential nutrients for butterflies. You can make a homemade bait with a mix of rotting fruit like bananas, peaches, plums, and apples. 

You can also use white sugar, molasses, and beer. Place the butterfly bait in an area that is easily accessible to butterflies, such as on flat rocks, tree trumps, and a shallow dish.

Place or Create Shelter for Butterflies

Butterflies are cold-blooded insects that need shelter to protect them from the elements. Make sure you build them small shelters around your garden. You can also provide shelter in potted plants placed against walls overgrown with vines.

Place or Create Shelter for Butterflies
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You can also create a loose mulch in your garden to protect butterflies against the cold when they are molting or transitioning from immature to adult. Keep it away from plants you want to keep healthy, but do not remove the natural mulch that will break down over time under sunny conditions.

Include a butterfly shelter into your garden by planting one to two feet tall native plants along the edge of wooded areas. This provides butterflies with cover from predators while giving them access to fruit, nectar, and water sources in the wild.

Trees and shrubs can provide shade and resting places for butterflies, but you can protect butterflies against predators and harsh weather conditions by building a shelter. Butterfly houses can act as places for butterflies to rest and hibernate and as a place for caterpillars to cocoon.

Keep it Sunny

Butterflies are cold-blooded insects that will be less active on colder mornings. Make sure you locate your butterfly garden in part of your yard that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

Create a Garden that Emulates their Natural Habitat

Butterflies like to live in areas with plenty of nectar-producing plants, host plants for caterpillars and water sources. Try to include a variety of plants in your butterfly garden, including milkweed, Joe Pye weed, black-eyed Susan, butterfly bush, western coneflower, and coreopsis. 

When you plant your seeds or transplant butterfly-friendly perennials, make sure they are native to the area in which you live. Use a mixture of perennials and annuals to prolong blooming time. Flowering containers allow you to exchange plantings during low blooming lulls in the garden like late spring and late summer.

Use a combination of window boxes, patio containers, and hanging baskets to create staggered blooming heights in your butterfly garden. Plant nectar flowers in groups instead of singly. Butterflies prefer moving from bloom to bloom of the same type of flower rather than fly from one nectar plant in search of another that may be growing some distance away.

dd a Water Source

Hummingbirds are attracted to many of the same flowers as butterflies are, so you can have both flying around your garden if you add a birdbath. Even though butterflies do not drink from standing water, they love rain puddles and damp patches that form on leaves after it rains.

Butterflies will seek shallow puddles in your garden not only as a source of drinking water but also as a way of obtaining vital minerals. So, a puddling station is essential to keep your butterflies hydrated and receive vitamins and other nutrients from muddy water like sodium. A shallow dish filled with soil, sand, or pebbles can create watery mud and be a valuable drinking station on hot days.

Offer Alternative Butterfly Foods

Your garden should contain a range of butterfly-friendly plants. Some must be in full sun and require regular watering if you want butterflies that lay eggs in your garden. If the weather is cool or there is not enough sunlight, it will open nectar sources.

Provide these nectar sources by growing flowers such as daisies, zinnias, sunflowers, crocuses, and marigolds. Placing overripe fruit like peaches, bananas, and peas in a shallow dish will help continue the feeding cycle for adult butterflies when nectar plants move past bloom. 

Fermented beer or molasses can also be used as a condiment to the fruit main dish, providing irresistible species such as the Question Mark and Red Spotted Purple. Replace the fruit frequently to discourage wasps and ants from taking over the buffet. You can also use a window screen to cover the fruit to block wasps and bees. With their long proboscis, butterflies will still be able to feed.

Stay Clear of Toxic Pesticides

Avoid pesticides that can harm butterflies. Many pesticides kill butterflies and other pollinators, so it is important to read the label before using insecticides. Look for products that are specifically labeled as butterfly-safe. As a butterfly gardener, tread carefully with insecticides to avoid harming butterflies and other beneficial pollinators such as bees and parasitic wasps.

 Even organic pest control options like insecticidal soap and neem oil can kill butterflies or disrupt their feeding and mating habits. But this doesn’t mean that you should hand over your flowers to the aphids. Instead, non-pesticide insect controls like floating row covers, jets of water to blast away small insects, and handpicking large insects like beetles.

Also, your best bet for pest control in your butterfly garden should be companion planting. In addition to planting flowers that attract butterflies, consider planting flowers that repel pests.

Keep a Diary

One of the best ways to learn more about making your butterfly garden thrive is to keep a diary. Record what you plant, when you plant it, what type of butterflies visit, and any other observations. This will help you better understand what works in your garden and what doesn’t. 

How to Select Butterfly-Friendly Plants

Nectar Plants vs. Caterpillar Host Plants

When choosing plants for your butterfly garden, include plants that will support butterflies throughout their life cycle. Flowering nectar plants offer food and energy for adults, while the leaves of larval plants such as parsley and milkweed nourish growing caterpillars. 

Plants that provide both nectar sources for butterflies and caterpillar food sources for butterfly larvae can be invaluable. This will ensure that butterflies flutter around your yard as adults and come back as caterpillars to eat and grow into the next generation of butterflies.

Plant for Continuous Bloom

One way to ensure a continuous bloom in your butterfly garden is to plant a variety of plants that flower at different times of the year. This will provide food for adult butterflies throughout the growing season, especially in mid to late summer when butterflies are most active.

Plant for Diversity

In addition to planting for continuous bloom, it is important to plant for diversity. This will provide a variety of different nectar sources for butterflies and caterpillar food sources. A well-planned butterfly garden will have a mix of both flowering plants and shrubs.

Select Natives

To provide the best forage for butterflies, select native plants where you live. Butterflies have highly specialized relationships with certain plant species, which can be disrupted if a non-native species is introduced into the garden. 

Native plants also tend to do well in your region and require less maintenance while providing just as much beauty as exotic plants.

Plant for Color

You can attract butterflies into your garden by ensuring that there are flowers in every color of the rainbow. Butterflies are very attracted to bright colors, especially reds and yellows.

Planting a wide variety of flowers will ensure access to these colors. Fragrant flowers also attract some species of butterflies, so consider adding attractive scents to your garden. You can get plants that bloom throughout, plant spring-blooming flowers, or anything but just ensures your garden has flowers throughout the year.

FAQs on How to Make a Beautiful Butterfly Garden

Do butterflies need water?

Monarchs and other butterflies need moisture but cannot land on water to drink, so a typical garden pond, fountain, or birdbath won’t help them.

What does a butterfly habitat look like?

Butterflies live worldwide except in the attic. Any place with nectar-producing flowers will host butterflies. Some species live in the desert and feed on succulent plants that grow in harsh conditions.

Final Thought on How to Make a Butterfly Garden

Designing and planting a butterfly garden is a fun project that the entire family can enjoy. With a little bit of planning and some creative thinking, you can create a garden that will bring beauty and enjoyment to your home for years to come. 


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Midcentury Modern Bedroom Ideas

One of the best things about mid century modern bedrooms is that there are many different options to choose from. Whether you want your room to be simple and elegant or bold and in-your-face, there’s something out there for everyone. The trick is finding it. 

In this article, we will discuss some of the most popular mid century modern bedroom designs that people use when they want to make their bedrooms look stylish and luxurious without breaking the bank.

dd a Mid Century Modern Nightstand

One of the easiest ways to add a touch of mid century modern style to your bedroom is by adding a nightstand. Nightstands are a great way to add extra storage space to your bedroom, and they can also be used to add extra visual interest to the room.

If you’re looking for a simple, elegant nightstand that will help you create a midcentury design, then try this one-piece mid century modern furniture to give your bedroom a shot of style. Nightstands are easy to find, and many of them are inexpensive.

Splash of Boho with Midcentury Modern Bedding

If you’d like to add a touch of bohemian style but don’t have the budget for new bedding, you can always choose to change out your duvet cover. This will help transform your room’s look while also being an economical option that doesn’t require extra money on accessories or furniture. 

Incorporate Mid Century Modern Lighting

One of the easiest and most effective ways to add a touch of mid century modern style to your bedroom is by incorporating some mid century modern lighting into the design. Pendant light, for example, is a perfect way to introduce this look and can be found in a variety of price points. 

If you’re looking for a sophisticated bedroom, then mid century modern decor pendant lights in matching finishes and some classic molded plastic chairs would be ideal.

Use Natural Materials

Instead of using modern materials, opt for natural wood and natural finishes. This will reduce the coldness found in many mid century modern designs. When using natural materials, consider combining wooden furniture as this will combine lots of sunlight and some plants to round out the colors.

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Focus on Earth Tones and Colors

For a classic mid century modern style, you’ll want to focus on color palettes such as neutrals and earth tones. Try to play with different shades of brown, rust, mustard, yellow, and green with a touch of gray and white. If you’re using a dark wall color, make sure you have enough natural light coming in so your room doesn’t look too gloomy. You can also learn other ways to brighten a dark room and make it livelier. 

Skip the Classic Color Scheme

If you’re looking for something a little more unique, then you can try playing with different color schemes. If you also love clean lines, geometric shapes, and the overall clean feel of the mid century modern style but you’re not thrilled about the muted tones, then keep the style and ditch the colors.

Look for Tapered Legs

The mid century modern style is typically associated with furniture pieces with tapered legs, which gives the table, the dresser, and a bed frame a distinct look. If you choose between two otherwise identical tables, one of them has tapered legs, and the other doesn’t go for the more interesting design. Their sleek, round frames make for a roomier and more spacious look.

Look for Tapered Legs
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Consider Bold Accent Wall

Do you want to give a simple mid century modern bedroom a powerful shot of style? Well, create a boldly patterned accent wall. A busy wallpaper with a strong geometric pattern or a solid color in a deep hue can make a big impact. It will also draw the eye and create a focal point in the room.

Consider Bold Accent Wall
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Keep it Neutral

When decorating a mid century modern bedroom, you’ll want to stick to neutral colors as much as possible. That doesn’t mean you have to go for a beige or gray overall color palette, though. Use a soft white in the walls, with off-white trim and accessories. For dark brown furniture, consider painting it a lighter shade of tan instead.

Keep it Neutral
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Go With Eames Chair

When it comes to furniture, the key is simplicity and functionality. A great way to achieve this look is with an Eames chair. These iconic chairs come in a variety of colors and styles so that you can find the perfect one for your room. Plus, they’re comfortable and stylish, making them perfect for mid century modern design.

Look for Natural Wood Furniture

Mid century rooms are all about natural materials, so feel free to go a little more rustic with your furniture choices. Look for pieces made from natural wood, such as maple, walnut, or oak. Also, consider clean lines and muted tones to bring mid century modern into your bedroom. These woods will add a warm and cozy feeling to your room while keeping with the mid century modern aesthetic.

Change Things Up with a Platform Bed

Don’t hesitate to change your bed frame for a more glamorous platform bed. The straight lines of a platform bed work well with mid century decor. So, opt for a nice platform bed, and then stack it with books and throw pillows to give your room extra personality.

Change Things Up with a Platform Bed
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Create a Gallery Wall to Act as a Focal Point

A gallery wall is a great idea for a mid century modern bedroom because it can be a focal point for the room. Choose a few of your favorite pieces of art and hang them up on one wall. This will add some interest to the room and help pull the design together.

Use Geometric Patterns

Geometric patterns are a huge part of mid century modern bedrooms, so use them in your room. Bring in a nightstand, a dresser, organic shapes of lamps, and clean, straight lines of furniture in the room. Choose clean and modern patterns to work well with your decor.

Incorporate Colorful, Fun Mid Century Modern Bedroom Furniture

One great way to add some fun to your bedroom is incorporating colorful furniture. This can be done with a bed frame, dresser, or even just with accent pieces. Add a pop of color with a bright pillow or blanket, and you’ll have a stylish and fun mid century modern bedroom.

Bright Accents in the Mid Century Modern Bedroom

If you prefer to keep your bedroom decor simple, then the use of bright colors is a great way to liven your space. You can incorporate these with wall art, patterned textiles, or even just with small pieces of decor placed on top of furniture. Adding a few shots of accent color will help liven up neutral bedroom space.

Glamorous Mid Century Modern Style

If you are looking to add a touch of glamor to your mid century modern bedroom, there are a few things you can do. You can start by adding metallic finishes to your furniture or accessories. You can also add plush fabrics such as velvet, faux fur, or silk since they also make the best ideas for those looking for how to decorate the bedroom

This will give the room a more luxurious feel. As demonstrated beautifully in this bedroom by an interior designer, the use of bold abstract paintings, luxurious fur throw, mustard armchair, and elegant furniture adds to a sophisticated and glamorous bedroom.

Built-In Bookcases in the Mid Century Modern Bedroom

If you are looking to build-in storage into your mid century modern bedroom, the best option is to install built-in bookshelves. This gives the room a more polished feel, but at the same time, it is functional. Shelves do not clutter up space and can be decorated with ornamental bookends or vases of flowers.

White Mid Century Modern Bedroom

A room with a white tone is always modern and chic. This bedroom oozes elegance and luxury through white silk curtains and plush white carpeting. The bed follows the line of symmetry and leaves plenty of space for the window. The bedside lamps give a warm glow that sets the mood for romance.

White Mid Century Modern Bedroom
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FAQs on Mid Century Modern Bedroom Ideas

What is a mid-century bedroom?

Mid-century modern refers to the decorating style that rose to popularity in the 1950s and 1960s.

What are modern bedrooms?

Today, a modern bedroom is typically one that is minimalist in design, with clean lines and little ornamentation.

What is the difference between mid-century and contemporary?

Mid-century refers to the period around the 1950s, while contemporary usually means designs from the past 10 to 15 years.

Final Thought on Mid Century Modern Bedroom Ideas

Well, there you have it. You don’t have to be overwhelmed by all these modern bedroom ideas. Start with one thing at a time and move on from there while keeping in mind the key elements of mid-century design, including functionality, simplicity, and modernity.  


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How to Kill Crabgrass

Crabgrass is an invasive weed that can ruin your lawn. If you do not fight back, it will become a serious problem for you and may even lower your home’s value. 

The first step in fighting crabgrass is knowing about its behavior and lifestyle. By understanding how this weed behaves, you will have an easier time finding ways to kill it and defend your turf from this invasive plant.

Many products out there claim they can help you get rid of crabgrass once and for all, but only a few works as advertised. In fact, some may cause more harm than good if used incorrectly because they contain harmful chemicals or toxins that can damage the grass when applied incorrectly or too often. 

To make sure you choose the right product for killing crabgrass, check out our guide on how to kill crabgrass below.

How to Kill Crabgrass Naturally

If crabgrass is a problem in your yard, you have more than one way of getting rid of this weed. The most natural way is to cultivate a healthy lawn and outcompete the pesky weed. Other natural ways include pulling the weed in the spring, providing your lawn with the proper nutrients, and reseeding where necessary.

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For tenacious crabgrass infestation, you can learn how to kill crabgrass with post emergent herbicides that kill grass well after germination. Post emergent herbicides work by killing the crabgrass plant.

On the other hand, pre eminent herbicides kill crabgrass before the seeds emerge. This makes it easier to get the job done and allowing you time in the season to cultivate a lawn where there once were weeds.

When to Kill Crabgrass

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the plant’s life cycle to effectively eradicate crabgrass. When spring soil temperatures reach 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, crabgrass seeds germinate. From mid summer through fall, the plant produces more seeds to increase its numbers. Once the first frost arrives, the plants themselves are killed, not the seeds.

When using an organic method, wait until the seedlings are big enough to hand pull the roots and all. While crabgrass doesn’t spread via roots, removing the whole plant in early spring before amending the soil and reseeding is essential.

Pre-emergent herbicide, also known as crabgrass preventer, comes in either a granular or liquid form and kills crabgrass seedlings right as they germinate.

How to Kill Crabgrass Step by Step

Tools and Materials

Post emergent herbicidePre emergent herbicideNon selective herbicideWork glovesOrganic compostPitchfork or weeding toolGrass seedPump sprayerGarden rakeSpadeSafety glasses

Pull Out the Crabgrass by Hand or Using a Tool

Before you start, you should gear up. Wear eye protection, gloves and old clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. Also, the soil will be wet, so make sure your shoes aren’t worn out. Before hand pulling the young crabgrass, water the problem area with a sprinkler or garden hose and wait about 30 minutes for the water to soak in.

Pull Out the Crabgrass by Hand or Using a Tool
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This method is very important because even if you use herbicide to kill crabgrass weed, you’ll still have to dig it out to completely get rid of it. Try this method before using chemicals because chemicals have detrimental effects on the surrounding lawn grasses. Removing crabgrass naturally by digging up is a great way of eliminating the weeds without killing lawn grass.

pply a Crabgrass Killer Herbicide

Different types of crabgrass killer herbicides are available, but you need to make sure the one you choose is for your type of lawn. For instance, a homeowner with a St. Augustine grass lawn should not use a product designed for a Bermuda grass lawn because it will kill St. Augustine and the weed.

Apply a Crabgrass Killer Herbicide
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For buffalo grass, centipede grass, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass, use herbicide with mesotrione as an active ingredient. It’s also important to read and follow the herbicide label instructions carefully. Improper use of these products can not only kill crabgrass but also other plants in your lawn.

Use a quality broadleaf weed killer to kill the crabgrass plants that remain after the seeding process. It will take several weeks to work, but it should eventually kill off any remaining crabgrass plants. Raking up all dead grass will make it easier for homeowners to keep the area free of crabgrass seeds.

dd Compost

Use a fertilizer with crabgrass fertilizer added to it to save time. Apply the fertilizer just before it rains to work the fertilizer and the herbicide into the soil. This will help thicken the turf. Thicker turf helps to squeeze out crabgrass plants missed by the herbicide. You can also learn how to make compost to use instead of artificial fertilizer.

pply Grass Seed

If you have large bare patches in your lawn, reseed these areas with a good quality grass seed mix. A mix that contains perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue is a good choice. These grasses are all cool-season grasses that will germinate and grow quickly, helping to fill in the bare spots.

pply Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal is a by-product of the corn milling process. It is a natural, organic herbicide that helps to suppress crabgrass growth. Apply it in the spring, before crabgrass germinates, at the rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 

Water the area well after application. Corn gluten also works as a lawn fertilizer due to its high nitrogen content. It works by inhibiting crabgrass seeds from forming roots after germination. Corn gluten meal can be put down as pre-emergent to prevent crabgrass and other weeds that germinate in the spring.

However, corn gluten doesn’t prevent the germination of crabgrass. Instead, it only controls it by feeding lawn grass with sufficient nitrogen, making lawn grass grow faster, choking out crabgrass.

Fight Crabgrass with Healthy Lawns

Fight those pesky crabgrass infestations by first building a healthy lawn. Black Medic, tall fescue and hybrid Bermuda grass varieties are all known for their ability to handle stress and drought and do not encourage the spread of crabgrass. A thick lawn provides a dark canopy of grass blades over the seeds to sprout.

Thoroughly water your lawn once a week to encourage the grass’s root system to go deeper, making the whole lawn hardier and heat tolerant. Avoid short, frequent watering as the sips will promote a shallow, weaker root system in your lawn. Also, don’t mow wet grass if you want to encourage healthy growth.

pply a Double Dose of Herbicide to Crabgrass Hotspots

Limit crabgrass growth in areas like driveways, sidewalks and curbs or on south-facing banks by doing a targeted double treatment when necessary. This is because these areas absorb a lot of heat during the summer months, making them more susceptible to crabgrass.

Once you’ve treated your entire lawn, go back and make another pass about six to eight feet wide, along with hotspot areas. This will help keep crabgrass from taking hold.

Burn Weeds Off With a Blow Torch

When you’ve got an area where there is no grass at all, or you want to kill the weeds and not take out the entire lawn, try this trick. The target weeds absorb so much heat that they will pop when hit with flame. Some varieties of quack grass, for example, will burst into flames with just a couple of seconds of direct exposure to the torch flame.

However, be careful when using this method, as you can also damage nearby plants if you’re not careful. Make sure that you keep the flame moving and don’t hold it in one spot for too long. Also, avoid burning the lawn if it’s still wet from dew or rain. 

This method is effective for killing weeds growing underneath the base of a tree, as the flame will effectively kill everything within about 3 to 4 inches of where it meets the ground.

Mow the New Grass

Crabgrass has a tough triangular stem to slice with a weed eating blade. However, if you take your mower and raise the blades as high as they will go, you can effectively cut the grass at its base. While this may not kill it immediately, it will prevent it from growing back for a period of time while the new grass takes hold.

If you have a lot of crabgrass, it’s best to start with the highest blade height and then work your way down as the new grass grows in. This will allow the lawn grass to protect its turf, depriving crabgrass seeds of the light they need to germinate.

Use Vinegar to Kill Crabgrass Organically

Vinegar is a natural herbicide that can be used to kill crabgrass. It’s important to use white distilled vinegar, as other types of vinegar may not be effective. To use vinegar to kill crabgrass, mix one part vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle. 

Spray the mixture on the crabgrass and weeds, and then wait for the weeds to die. Be sure to avoid spraying vinegar on any plants you want to keep, as it will kill them.

Use Baking Soda to Kill Crabgrass Naturally

Baking soda can be used to kill crabgrass. When making the mixture, it’s very important that no additional ingredients are included. To use baking soda for killing crabgrass, mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of water.

Add baking soda slowly, so the solution doesn’t bubble over when mixed. Pour this mixture on the crabgrass that you want to kill. 

FAQs on How to Kill Crabgrass

What kills crabgrass and not the lawn?

Post emergent herbicides such as all in one weed killer or image herbicide kill crabgrass plus other lawn weeds and leave the lawn healthy.

Is there an organic way to kill crabgrass?

Yes, you can use baking soda as an organic way to kill crabgrass. Baking soda is a natural herbicide and will not harm the green lawn or surrounding areas.

What causes crabgrass?

Crabgrass is a summer annual weed that thrives in hot summer weather conditions and does best in soil with a neutral to acidic pH level, typically between 6 and 7.5. It becomes dormant during the winter months and will remain until springtime when the soil warms up. 

Crabgrass is typically seed produced; however, it can also reproduce via its roots or stolons in the same season in which it germinated.

Final Thought on How to Kill Crabgrass

As you can see, crabgrass is an unsightly weed that can wreak havoc on your lawn. It is important to get rid of crabgrass at the first sign of its germination to keep it from spreading. The most effective way to get rid of crabgrass is through preventative measures, such as applying pre-emergent herbicides in early springtime when the soil is still cool.

If you cannot get to your lawn early in the season, you should apply a post-emergent herbicide to kill the crabgrass. These methods, when used together, will give you good results in keeping these weeds under control so they won’t wreak havoc on your lawn. 


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Sunroom Additions vs. Full-Room Additions

Are you looking to add some additional space and versatility to your home? Well, consider hiring a contractor to build a room addition or full room addition. A home addition has a lot of benefits such as increased home value and square footage, cozy outdoor seating areas, and more private spaces like offices and home gyms.

Both sunrooms and full room additions often use frameless glass walls and doors to increase natural light and seamlessly integrate indoor and outdoor spaces. However, when choosing between sunroom addition and full room addition, there are a few things you need to consider.

This guide talks about the difference between a sunroom and full room extensions to help you decide which one fits you best.

Sunroom Addition

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to create additional space in your home and a welcoming area with more natural light, then sunroom additions are a great option. Sunrooms are typically less expensive to build than full room additions, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as a home office, family room, or even a bedroom.

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Sunrooms are often referred to as screen rooms or solariums, and they are glass room additions that integrate indoor and outdoor spaces. The additions are built on concrete slabs with a light aluminum frame, and about 80 percent of the wall space is glass. 

They can be equipped with stacking glass walls that lead to your patio or yard, and they can be fully enclosed and only accessible from the inside of the house. Sunrooms are a cheaper alternative to traditional room additions because they don’t require as many building materials, labor costs, insulation, and HVAC system.

Sunrooms come in two categories. These include prefab vs. custom-built sunrooms. Sunrooms can be custom-built by a local contractor who will design and build sunrooms to your specifications. Such sunrooms have traditional studs and truss framing, and shingle roofs, but the walls are predominantly glass formed by patio doors or full-length windows.

Three season sunrooms are not heated or cooled by an HVAC unit. They’re not well insulated as full room additions, so their temperatures fluctuate greatly depending on the outdoor conditions. In contrast, four season sunrooms are better insulated and boast central heat and air.

Despite being more costly than three season sunrooms, four season sunrooms are great for homeowners living in a cold climate for year-round addition. But today, sunrooms are constructed from prefabricated kits that come with framework pieces of steel, aluminum, and fiberglass, and glass panels for the walls.

Prefab sunrooms are assembled in a puzzle-like fashion by technicians. A prefab sunroom is designed and fabricated off-site then shipped in pieces to your home packed in flat cartons. Assembly can be done by a homeowner or a contractor affiliated with the prefab kit manufacturer.

Pros of Sunrooms

Lower construction cost per square foot than regular room additions.Increased natural lighting for reading, growing plants, and hosting a spaEfficient construction timeAdditional space

Sunroom Cons

May not include electrical wiring or HVAC systemLimited privacyLack of insulation makes them unusable during the winter weatherLimited to the side, front, and back of the house

Stick Built Addition

If you’re restricted by space or have a tight budget, sunroom addition is the way to go. A stick build addition is a better option if you want to add space and recent updates such as wide-open interiors with an open floor plan. Stick built is a shorthand term for any structure built from scratch.

Stick Built Addition
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In this case, it refers to house additions, room additions, and other bump-outs constructed from traditional building materials such as wood, concrete, glass, house sheathing, and shingles. These additions are great for mudrooms, kitchen extensions, home offices, and extra bedrooms.

Unlike sunroom additions, a traditional room addition is not limited to existing structures, meaning they can be built on any area of your home to increase square footage and overall property value. Room additions usually come equipped with a foundation, doors, windows, finishes, HVAC, and insulation, making them a more complicated version, although it benefits year-round usability. 

They’re accessed through an interior door or archway rather than an exterior door. According to the International Energy Conservation Code, any conditioned living space cannot have more than 40 percent of the wall space given to glass windows.

Full Room Addition Pros

You can add them to any area of the houseIncreased square footage and property valueInsulation and HVAC for year-round usageIdeal for private areas

Cons of Full Room Addition

Less natural lighting and window spaceExtensive construction processExpensive materials and labor costPossible increase in property taxes and insurance

How Much Does a Full Room Addition Cost?

The cost of full room additions is similar to the cost of sunrooms, with parts and labor, plus a building permit and the frequency of use all factoring into the overall price. The increased materials used will also drive the cost up, and since room additions take more time to build than sunrooms, the labor hours will also increase the price.

Unlike sunrooms, which homeowners opt to use in part of the year, a full room addition needs insulation and to be fitted with electrical and best air conditioner connections to make it usable all year round. The use of full room addition may also help offset the overall price.

For example, if you use it only occasionally, maybe as a guest bedroom, the infrequent use may help you save money when it comes to household costs. But a frequently used entertainment or living room, complete with additional electronics, may increase your household costs.

Uses of Sunroom vs. Full Room Addition

It’s important to establish your new room’s primary use before deciding whether to opt for sunroom or full room addition. Sunrooms consisting more of glass walls don’t offer much privacy, so they’re best reserved for areas that don’t require it.

Uses of Sunroom vs. Full Room Addition
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Family rooms, playrooms, second living rooms, and hobby rooms are popular options for sunroom use, allowing a comfortable place with natural light in which to relax. On the other hand, full room additions are best if you intend to use the additional space for something personal like a bedroom or home office.

A living room and an entertainment room can also be a great full room addition. However, most homes already have one enclosed living or entertainment, making a sunroom a better and more unusual option for communal areas. 

FAQs on Sunroom Additions vs. Full Room Addition

re sunrooms worth it?

This is a great question, and it depends on what you intend to use the space for. But other than adding value to your home, a sunroom is an upgrade that can improve the quality of your life all year round.

Which side of the house is best for a sunroom?

If you want your sunroom, you catch as much sun as possible, then build on the south-facing section of the house. If you like watching the sun come up, then an east-facing position is best, while west-facing allows you to enjoy the late afternoon sun and sunset.

Final Thought on Sunroom Additions vs. Full Room Additions

Whether you’re looking to create a cozy place to relax, a private home office free from distractions, or a bright playroom for kids, a sunroom is a great addition. If you’ve always wanted more space and fresh air, then consider adding on a sunroom to enjoy all four seasons. 

A full room addition provides those nice things and new square footage that can feel like an entirely new part of your home. You’ll gain functional floor space and perhaps even some needed storage. If you decide to add a sunroom or full room addition, be sure to work with a professional contractor that can help you determine your best option. 


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Terracotta Floor Tiles Overview

There are many different types of flooring options you can choose for your home.

One option that is growing in popularity, and one that offers a unique look, is terracotta floor tiles.

Before choosing terracotta or any type of tile, it’s important to understand the benefits and disadvantages of each type. By reading this article on terracotta tiles, you will be able to make an informed decision about whether or not they are right for your space. Let’s get started. 

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What are terracotta floor tiles?

Terracotta floor tiles are very similar to the clay pots or other types of pottery you might see in a kitchen or at a flower shop. However, these tiles are designed specifically for use as home flooring and can be purchased at your local hardware store. They come in various shapes, sizes, and color options. They are most often glazed to give them a nice finish and enhance the decorative aspect of their look.

How do they differ from ceramic and porcelain tiles?

While terracotta floor tiles come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, they also vary slightly based on what type of material is used to make them. Specifically, terracotta tiles are made of clay, while ceramic tiles are made of a mixture of clays and other materials.

Porcelain tiles are made from a type of clay that is fired at a very high temperature, making them much harder than both terracotta and ceramic tiles. This makes them more resistant to wear and tear, as well as to water damage.

Ceramic tiles are the most common type of tile that is used in homes. They are affordable, durable and come in a wide variety of colors and styles. Porcelain tiles are more expensive than ceramic tiles, and they offer a much higher level of durability. If you are looking for a long-lasting tile that will not require a lot of maintenance, then porcelain may be the right option for you.

What is the difference between glazed and unglazed terracotta tile?

As mentioned earlier, terracotta floor tiles come in both glazed and unglazed varieties. Glazed tiles are treated with a layer of glass that is applied to the surface of the tile. This layer helps to protect the tile from wear and tear, as well as water damage. It also makes them easier to clean, which can be very beneficial in high-traffic areas of the home where they are likely to get dirty quickly. Glazed tiles are more expensive than unglazed tiles, but you will find that most hardware or home improvement stores offer free installation on glazed terracotta flooring purchases over a certain amount. If you are looking for an affordable option with a great look, then consider installing unglazed terracotta tiles in your living room or another area of the house that gets light traffic.

Where can you buy terracotta floor tiles?

You can purchase terracotta floor tiles at many different retail shops and online retailers. They are typically sold in bulk, so you will need to calculate the square footage of your space before heading out to make your purchase.

Why should you choose terracotta floor tiles over other types of tile?

There are a few reasons why you might consider purchasing and installing terracotta flooring in your home. Let’s have a look at the most important ones.

High durability

When installed correctly, terracotta tiles can last for decades without showing signs of wear and tear. The glaze on these tiles helps them resist water damage, so they will not be easily damaged by spills or leaks from appliances such as washing machines or dishwashers. This is especially important if there is an auxiliary bathroom located near the kitchen, where many accidents occur that could damage standard ceramic tile flooring. These tiles are also resistant to scratches, making them a great option for high-traffic areas of the home.

Wide variety of colors and shapes

Terracotta tiles come in a wide variety of colors and styles, so you are sure to find one that will complement the look of your home. You can also find tiles in various shapes and sizes, which gives you some flexibility when it comes to designing your flooring. If you are looking for a unique tile that will stand out, then consider using terracotta flooring in your home.


Terracotta flooring is typically much more affordable than other types of flooring materials such as marble or granite. This makes a popular choice for budget-conscious homeowners who are looking to make a big impact on the look of their homes.

Easy installation and care

Terracotta floor tiles can be installed by almost anyone with basic DIY skills, and they require very little maintenance. You will find that these tiles resist most stains and spills, so you need not worry about removing them to clean up messes. Combined with their affordability, this makes them great options for do-it-yourself homeowners who want to add value to their homes without spending a lot of money or time on renovations.

They come in different shapes and sizes

Most terracotta tiles come in one of three shapes: rectangular, square, or hexagonal. The size varies depending on the style of the tile. Some are very small, at only two inches by two inches in size, while others are much larger at four inches by eight inches or more.

It is easy to find one that complements the room

Terracotta tiles come in a wide range of different colors and styles, so it can be difficult to choose just one for your flooring project. The best way to narrow down the options is to decide what style you want for your home renovation project. Old-world traditional homes typically look great with terracotta flooring because this type of design evokes feelings of nostalgia and romance. On the other hand, modern or contemporary decor styles typically need a darker or less colorful tile to maintain their sleek appearance.

They resist water damage

One of the biggest benefits of installing terracotta floor tiles in your home is that they are resistant to water damage. This is because they have a glaze on them that helps to repel liquids and keep them from penetrating the surface of the tile. If you live in an area where there is a high risk of flooding, then terracotta flooring may be the best option for you.

It can also be a great choice for homeowners who live near lakes or rivers because it resists the damage caused by moisture.

They are aesthetically pleasing

Terracotta tiles come in a variety of different colors, including reds, greens, oranges, and yellows. If you select one with a color that complements your home’s overall decor theme then you will achieve an aesthetically pleasing appearance when the flooring is complete. 

You can install them indoors or outdoors on patios and walkways if desired. They are generally very affordable to purchase and they have widespread availability at most home improvement stores.

Wholesale Terracotta Tiles Supplier & Manufacturer, China Hanse Terracotta  Tiles For Sale at Low Prices

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Terracotta Floor Tiles Overview – FAQ

What are terracotta tiles?

Terra cotta is the term to describe unglazed ceramic products made from earthenware, stoneware, or porcelain clays. The name comes from Italian for “cooked earth”.

How durable are terracotta tiles?

As with any flooring, material durability will vary depending on wear and traffic patterns. It is important to consider the finish type as well as installation techniques when making your selection. 

Most critics agree that glazed tile is more difficult to maintain than unglazed tile because no matter how careful you are, eventually the dirt penetrates through the glaze and may not come out.

Final thoughts on terracotta floor tiles overview

In conclusion, there are several factors to take into account when planning your new terracotta floor Understanding what’s involved when choosing terracotta floor tiles will help you work out what best fits your circumstances.

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