
18. Popular Houseplants that are Toxic to Cats

Keeping indoor plants can add a touch of freshness and beauty to your home. Gardening is fun and rewarding, so as keeping pets like cats. But houseplants are toxic to cats, especially the curious ones that like chewing on things. You don’t want your cat to fall sick or get into an unpleasant situation such as vomiting or diarrhea because he ate poisonous plants inside the house. 

This article will help you identify which plants aren’t safe for your cat from houseplants to garden plants including vegetables and herbs. Let’s get started:

1. Snake Plant

The snake plant is a popular houseplant because it’s easy to maintain and requires minimal care. It’s one of the best plants for low light conditions and for improving air quality. While snake plant is non-toxic to humans, it’s toxic to cats and dogs.

Snake plants contain chemical compounds known as saponins, resulting in feline nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if consumed. Don’t hesitate to contact a veterinarian if you suspect your cat has eaten this poisonous plant.

2. Asparagus Fern

Asparagus ferns are evergreen plants that produce long, leafy stems from an underground tuber. They have a bushy appearance and add height to your home décor. Asparagus fern is toxic to cats and dogs, so keep them out of reach.

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If your feline friends rub themselves against asparagus fern frequently, it can cause skin irritation. These plants contain saponins which is a compound that can cause dermatitis, stomach pain, and diarrhea in both dogs and cats.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant known for its healing properties, especially for burns and wounds. It also contains an ingredient that can be fatal to cats. All parts of the aloe vera plant are toxic to cats if ingested, so keep them away from your furry friends.

4. Peace Lily

This indoor plant may look beautiful, but it’s highly toxic to cats, so cat owners should skip as much as possible. Peace lilies contain insoluble calcium oxalates, so if your cat consumes this lily, it can cause cats to suffer oral symptoms such as burning, excessive drooling, and difficulty swallowing.

Peace Lily
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Instead of peace lilies, you can opt for white orchids, which are non-toxic to pets. Plus, they’re gorgeous and have low maintenance requirements.

5. Easter lily

This year-round favorite can create a lot of issues with furry friends. And it’s not only Easter lily that is extremely toxic. Other lilies such as stargazers, tiger lily, and Asiatic lily can cause acute kidney failure in cats.

No matter how beautiful these flowers look, every part of the lily is toxic to your cat, so avoid these types of lilies if you have cats around your home. It can cause vomiting, loss of appetite, and change in energy level.

6. Jade Plant

Also known as money plants, rubber plants, and lucky plants, jade plants are succulents that are easy to grow and are thought to bring their owner’s good luck and fortune. They have dark green fresh leaves and thick wooden-like stems. Jade plant comes in several varieties, all belonging to the family crassula.

These plants are highly toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. They cause symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, depression, and in coordination if ingested. It’s better to seek veterinary care if you don’t completely understand its toxic component.

7. Sago Palm

Sago palm is a beautiful evergreen plant that grows in tropical and subtropical climates. They can also be grown as houseplants, but they are highly toxic to cats, dogs, and horses if ingested. Sago palm contains cycasin, a toxin that causes vomiting, abdominal pain, lethargy, convulsions, and coma.

Sago Palm
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These plants can do wonders for indoor air quality. Their unique structure makes them a great talking point and a lovely accent piece. However, with their defense mechanism, they can be highly toxic to your feline friend. Sago palm can cause even liver failure and death if consumed or chewed.

8. Indian Rubber Plant

The Indian rubber plant has very attractive large leaves and is sometimes used as an outdoor plant in USDA zones 10 and 11. It can cause vomiting, stomach irritation, and difficulty breathing if your cat ingests it. The plant sap contains a chemical irritant that causes drooling, oral irritation and vomiting, not to mention that this sap can also cause severe skin irritations in humans.

9. Elephant’s Ear

One of the most poisonous of all houseplants for cats is Elephant’s Ear. This plant has large leaves resembling an elephant ear. It causes intense gastrointestinal irritation and vomiting if ingested by your cat.

It contains insoluble calcium oxalates that can cause kidney failure. Fortunately, you can swap it with a calathea medallion which offers the same tropical vibes and rich green foliage, the same as an elephant’s ear. It’s non-toxic to cats and is a low-maintenance plant that even those without a green thumb can keep healthy.

10. Devil’s Ivy

This is a common houseplant that has seen its fair share of the limelight in pop culture recently. The best part is it doesn’t even need soil or water to grow, as all you have to do is wet the walls on which the stems grow, and the Devil’s Ivy will do the rest.

This plant also goes by several names, including pothos, golden pothos, and taro vine. It contains insoluble calcium oxalates that cause mouth, throat, tongue, and lip irritation. It can also cause intense burning, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

You can swap it with a Chinese money plant of the pilea genus family that is considered non-toxic to cats and offers the same drooping aesthetic as devil’s ivy. Plus, these types of non-toxic plants may also bring good Feng shui into your home.

11. Clivia Miniata

This indoor flowering plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause intense burning and irritation in pets’ mouths, tongues, lips, and throat. This flowering plant contains alkaloids that can cause symptoms ranging from vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, and arrhythmia in both dogs and cats.

12. Ceriman

Also known as the Hurricane plant or Swiss Cheese Plant, the Ceriman is an indoor flowering plant that contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause intense burning and irritation in the mouth, tongue, lips, and throat of pets.

It’s also one of the most popular household plants, thanks to its tropical look. It, however, contains insoluble calcium oxalates making it moderately toxic to cats.

13. Tomato Plants

The tomato plant or the Lycopersicon is a flowering plant with green leaves and red berries containing tomatine. Just like humans, cats can be affected by its toxic alkaloids if ingested in any quantity.

Try to keep your tomato on the patio or in the garden and out of your cat’s reach. And if you have an outdoor kitty, try to grow non-toxic buttercup squash instead.

14. English Ivy

Thanks to its low-light needs and drought resistance, the common English Ivy is a popular choice as a houseplant. However, it contains triterpenoid saponins which are poisonous for cats if any part of the plant is ingested. Make sure to keep your cat away from this plant.

Its gorgeous drapery feature makes it attractive to curious felines, which is extremely dangerous because English Ivy is toxic to cats. When cats chew it, it can cause a range of symptoms, including weakness, vomiting, throat swelling, excessive drooling, dermatitis, rash, and ataxia.

15. Dumb Cane

Dumb cane also belongs to the same group of plants like English Ivy and is just as poisonous. It contains calcium oxalate crystals which cause burning in the mucous membranes, vomiting, diarrhea, and respiratory distress. Like other toxic plants for cats, keep this plant away from your pets at all times.

Dumb canes come in different varieties, varying from a couple of feet high to over ten feet tall when grown in the right conditions. When ingested, they are highly toxic to cats, and their sap can be a mild irritant to humans, so keep them away from bare skin. Symptoms of dumb poisoning in cats include vomiting, burning of the mouth, oral irritation, swelling, and severe cases of difficulty swallowing and breathing.

16. Azalea

Azalea plants, both the species we enjoy as ornamental plants and those used commercially, are highly toxic to cats. If your cat eats any part of the plant, it will cause gastrointestinal irritation along with excessive drooling, vomiting, and loss of appetite. In extreme cases, seizures have been reported.

The leaves from this house plant are very popular in Asian cooking, so if your cat has a habit of munching on house plants, it might be an idea to remove the philodendron from your home. The entire plant is poisonous, with all parts containing calcium oxalate crystals that cause intense burning of the mouth and throat, swelling of the tongue, intense thirst, and oral ulcers.

17. Moss Rose

In recent years, Moss rose has become an extremely popular house plant, but it’s always best to check with your local veterinarian before introducing any new plant into your home.

The leaves are considered to be non-toxic; however, the stems and seed pods are highly toxic. If ingested, they can cause intense gastrointestinal irritation accompanied by an intense burning sensation, excessive drooling, and vomiting. Hops are closely related to cannabis, but they contain no mind-altering substances.

This houseplant is incredibly poisonous to cats, so you should avoid it. It can cause tremors, kidney failure, and hypersalivation if your cat chews it. You should seek immediate veterinary treatment immediately if you suspect your cat has chewed it.

18. Amaryllis

If you’re growing Amaryllis at home, you should know that it’s a poisonous plant to cats. The stem and bulb of the Amaryllis are toxic, but only if consumed in large quantities. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, light sensitivity, and changes in heart rate.

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When your cat nibbles on this houseplant, it can experience stomach pain, excess drooling, tremors, diarrhea, vomiting, and a decrease in appetite. However, you can swap it with orchids which offer an exotic outburst of color and are non-toxic to cats.

FAQs on Common Household Plants Toxic to Cats

What are some of the cat-friendly houseplants?

Common plants that are cat-friendly in your home that will give you peace of mind include various succulents, orchids, ferns, and spider plants.

How do you keep your cats from eating poisonous plants?

The first step to keeping your pets safe is understanding which plants are poisonous. Some houseplants can be made less toxic by cutting back on their food supply, exposure to light or water.

Final Thought on Popular Houseplants that are Toxic to Cats

Before bringing new plants into your home, it’s important to research first on their toxicity levels. Learning about these common houseplants will help you make the right decision in keeping your houseplants safe and healthy while keeping your pets protected from possible poisoning or illness that can occur when they eat or chew on poisonous plants.

Keeping your indoor safe from these poisonous plants to cats is very easy. But for an outdoor kitty, it gets a bit tricky but you can reduce the chances of accidental ingestion by removing the most dangerous plants from your garden and checking if there is any toxic plant in your neighbor’s garden. Make sure your outdoor plants are not harmful to your furry friend.


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Incredible Uses For White Vinegar

Everyone knows that vinegar is great for cooking, but did you know it has many other uses? Vinegar can be used around the home in lots of ways. The best part is that it’s inexpensive and readily available.

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to fabric softener, white vinegar is just the thing. This common household ingredient is inexpensive and easy to find in any grocery store. It’s also mild enough to cause skin reactions or discolor clothing as some detergents might.

Here are some great uses for vinegar around your home. You’ll save money by using less harsh chemicals.

Use White Vinegar to Kill Weeds

One of the best ways to kill weeds is by using white vinegar. Pour white vinegar directly onto the leaves of the plant you’re trying to get rid of. You can also use full-strength vinegar in spray bottles to kill weeds on sidewalks or driveways. Just be sure you don’t get any on your clothing, as it will stain. For best results, use vinegar on a day of dry, sunny weather.

Care for Your Home Pets with Vinegar

Pets such as dogs and cats are often bothered with itchy and scaly ears, especially if you have a dog with floppy ears like a retriever. Dilute white vinegar in equal parts water and use a cotton ball to clean the inside of your pet’s ears. You can also make a gentle shampoo by adding one or two tablespoons of vinegar to your pet’s bathwater to remove odors from its fur.

If you see unwanted cats creeping around your yard, spray or pour vinegar on the plants they like to use as a litter box, and they will move elsewhere.

Clean Your Coffee Maker with Vinegar

If you’re a coffee-lover, you know that once you’ve brewed a pot, the last thing you want to do is dump it down the drain. However, stale coffee can ruin your next pot-brewing experience. Run some vinegar through your coffee maker to remove the unwanted flavors of old coffee and put yourself on track for a smooth-tasting cup.

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Extend the Life of Your Cut Flowers with Vinegar

When it comes to extending the life of your flowers, there are so many theories that exist. Such theories include the use of copper penny, lemon-lime soda, and aspirin. However, try adding a few tablespoons of white vinegar to the water and a dash of sugar, and you may be surprised to find your flowers lasting much longer.

Cleaning Kitchen with White Vinegar

Cleaning vinegar is a natural cleanser and degreaser. With the addition of a few drops of lemon essential oil, you can make your kitchen an all-natural cleaner. Add distilled white vinegar to water in spray bottles and add about ten drops of lemon oil for every one cup of the solution. Spray the cleaner on surfaces, let it stand for a few minutes, and wipe away.

Cleaning Kitchen with White Vinegar
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You can also add a few drops of olive oil into a cup of distilled vinegar, let it sit overnight, and then add that to your spray bottle in the morning. Rinse it with cold water.

Cleaning Floors with Vinegar

White vinegar is safe enough to use on most surfaces, but it does have a strong smell. The vinegar odor can be reduced by adding a few drops of lemon or tea tree essential oil to the water in your spray bottles. This mixture is safe enough to use on hardwood floors.

Cleaning Floors with Vinegar
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In addition, if you add some white vinegar to a bucket of warm water and mop the floors, you’ll be cleaning your floors and helping fight against allergens like dust mites at the same time.

Cleaning the Dishwasher

If your dishwasher smells less than fresh or doesn’t seem to clean your dishes as well as it once did, try adding 1/2 cup of vinegar to an empty dishwasher cycle to freshen it up. If your dishwasher has a rinse agent dispenser, fill it with white vinegar to help freshen the rinse water.

Adding white vinegar to your dishwasher also works as an eco-friendly alternative to using additional detergents for cleaning the dishes. Just run a wash cycle with some vinegar but skip adding any detergent like chlorine bleach. If you have a clogged and smelly sink, pour 1/4 cup of baking soda, add one cup of vinegar, and cover the drain tightly.

Use Vinegar as Fabric Softener

And you can use it as a fabric softener: Add 4 cups of vinegar to the rinse cycle instead of liquid fabric softener, or add half a cup when using a front-loading washing machine. After spraying vinegar on your fabric, wipe it down with a clean, damp cloth. You can use the same vinegar to clean a washer

Clean Windows with Vinegar

And it’s also good for cleaning windows. Mix one part vinegar with two parts water to make a multipurpose cleaner that can be used on windows, glass, and even mirrors without leaving behind streaks or smudges. This solution is perfect for cleaning car windows, too– remember to use it sparingly.

ll-Purpose Cleaning Solution

Vinegar is one of the world’s best all-purpose green cleaners with dozens of cleaning uses. Diluted vinegar on a soft, lint-free cloth is excellent for cleaning and polishing all kinds of surfaces, including Counters and other kitchen surfaces, Mirrors and windows, Bathrooms, Toilets, and Faucets.

After filling your plastic bag with equal parts water and vinegar, tape and leave it there for a day for vinegar to dissolve any lingering mineral deposits. You can also use distilled white vinegar to clean hardwood floors, carpet stains, and wood furniture, especially when combined with olive oil.

Clean Your Microwave with Vinegar

Fill a microwave-safe bowl with 1 cup of distilled vinegar and set it on high. Heat the vinegar for 2 minutes or until it starts to boil, then let it sit in the microwave, undisturbed for about 10 minutes to let it cool, then wipe away any food residue.

Clean Your Microwave with Vinegar
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Shine Up Silver with White Vinegar

Combine half a cup of distilled vinegar and eight oz. of water in a shallow bowl and add the silver, making sure it is completely submerged. Put on some rubber gloves and use an old toothbrush or scrubber to scrub off any grease gently. Rinse with warm water, then dry completely using a soft cloth.

You can also drop a tarnished silver in a baking dish to soak it with baking soda, sea salt, vinegar, and boiling water. Dry thoroughly with a dry cloth, then buff with a clean cloth.

FAQs on Uses for Vinegar

What is the difference between washing vinegar and cleaning vinegar?

Washing vinegar and cleaning vinegar are both white vinegar, and they contain the same percentage of acetic acid (5%). Therefore, it is safe to use either type of vinegar for all your household needs.

What does vinegar do in a laundry?

Vinegar contains acetic acid, meaning that it’s safe to use in both standard and high-efficiency washers.

Final Thought on Uses for Vinegar

As you can see, vinegar has so many uses which you can relate to almost all of your daily tasks. With vinegar, you wouldn’t need many products anymore. This versatile has a lot of uses, not only as an ingredient but also as a cleaning tool. Keep the environment green and clean by using vinegar for your daily tasks.


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Personalize Your Kitchen for a Soft and Inviting Space

Everyone wants a kitchen straight from a magazine. But magazine kitchens can sometimes seem to be missing something: people who actually live in them. Once you have your beautiful, magazine worthy kitchen, remember to personalize your kitchen to make the space yours. Take a look at these beautiful kitchens that feel anything but empty.

Warm and Inviting

In the kitchen pictured below, white painted cabinets, stainless steel appliances, and an accent color on the island establish an a polished updated style. Open shelving on the island provides useful and decorative storage. Far from boring, sterile, or crowded, this beautifully decorated space says much about the owner.

Signature Austin Shaker cabinets in Cloud White and Studio Gray

Transitional with a Twist

This kitchen uses CliqStudios Dayton style doors in the painted finish Urban Stone. It’s painted doors and bar handles make the space feel modern, but the natural hardwood floors don’t allow it to feel stark. Instead, it feels warm and inviting, with plants and a teapot set out.

California Cozy

This California kitchen uses a blue island to create a furniture like feel. Using two-toned cabinetry helps to create visual appeal, and separates the island from the rest of the kitchen as an area that can double as seating. The greenery scattered through the two rooms and the cool blue-grey walls add more color without being too much.

Minimalist and Playful

In this kitchen, CliqStudios style 31 doors in the finish Harbor paired with pink walls, wooden counters, and mixed pendant lighting creates an entirely unique room. The many varying colors, textures, patterns, and art pieces feel stylized and personal.  Different bowls and baskets throughout the kitchen hold different types of plants, all tying into the greenery outside the massive window over the sink.

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to personalize and soften your kitchen? Try the shelves at Goodwill or your local flea market. For a few dollars you can completely change the nature of the space.

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Decisions to Make Before Interviewing Remodeling Contractors

For the best kitchen remodel experience, do some research before interviewing remodeling contractors and asking for bids. You will minimize misunderstandings, expensive change orders and be better able to compare bids with the same specifications. Be well-informed on the following topics before talking to any kitchen contractors.

Your Budget

Decide how much you want to spend on the project, then develop a realistic budget and stick to it. You may need to do an overall expense review and research payment options. To fill in the total budget amount for each item below start with a design and quote from a professional designer.

Project Scope

Are you are simply replacing cabinets, countertops, flooring and appliances? Moving a sink or range? Or moving walls? The more extensive your kitchen remodel is, the more important it is to develop a detailed plan and stick to it.  When you renovate a property there are certain things that need to be updated to meet code. There may also be delayed maintenance that has to be done before the remodeling. Be sure you are interviewing remodeling contractors with experience and skills that match your needs.

Must-Haves Versus Wants

List everything you hope for in a kitchen (specialty storage, glass door cabinets, type of appliances, etc.). Prioritize, classifying each item as: Must Have, Can Compromise, or Can Wait.

Your Style

CliqStudios designers do a virtual walkthrough using Zoom or MS Teams with each customer.  To prepare for your virtual walkthrough, be ready with your phone or tablet to show the designer around your current kitchen. Our designers recommend that you also prepare an idea file with pictures, notes, and links to web pages. Our photo gallery, Pinterest and Houzz are good sources of inspiration.


Consult with your designer before buying appliances, asking for suggestions on the best fit for your space. Visit an appliance showroom and look at models, check out Consumer Reports for quality reviews, then check multiple stores and websites to find the best prices. If you are on a tight timeline, be cautious about the lead time on special order items. When you are interviewing contractors also check with them about discounts they might extend to you. 


Cabinets represent a major share of your remodel budget and must stand up to years of use, so quality is as important as style. How to compare cabinets  will help you evaluate quality across brands, and your designer can provide advice on style. Cabinets need to be on site early in the remodel process, so be sure the company you buy from can deliver accordingly.

Countertops, Flooring and Backsplash

The type of countertop and flooring you choose (quartz or laminate countertop, hardwood or tile flooring, etc.) will affect your contractor’s timeline and budget. While you can wait to discuss specific styles and colors, it’s important to share your preferences with each of the contractors you interview. When interviewing contractors check with them on whether they work with particular materials that they are familiar with and if they can get a better price.  

Once you have all this information, you are ready to start interviewing remodeling contractors. Look for a licensed, experienced, reputable and insured company. Personal recommendations from friends and family combined with research on professional websites will give you the best overall view of contractors to interview and accept bids.


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Bathroom Remodeling With CliqStudios

Planning a bath remodeling project? Whether you’re trying to get more storage, update the style and quality of your bathroom vanity, or design a more efficient space, a designer can help you to succeed.

Renovating homeowners often work on several projects in a row. They enjoy the convenience of getting bathroom cabinets that come fully assembled and equipped with the same timeless styles, construction quality, and design services that CliqStudios is known for. CliqStudios designers provide complimentary design consultation, and with just a few measurements, will  help you lay out a custom-fit plan for your bathroom cabinets.

A bathroom project is a great way to  introduce yourself to CliqStudios! Previous clients find that bathroom projects are a great way to try out our unique process. Please be aware that free shipping is only available on purchases of $3,500 or greater.

Single Vanity Bathrooms

If you’re updating a powder room, a single vanity is all you’ll typically need. For most transitional or modern designs, a shaker or recessed-panel door style is versatile and timeless. CliqStudios vanities are available in all of our finishes and stains. The standard vanity cabinet box depth is 21”, and the standard height is 34 ½”. Furthermore, a designer can help you determine the proper cabinet widths for your space.

CliqStudios bath cabinets shown in Austin White door style and finish

This master bathroom vanity matches the kitchen island. Style: Dayton, Finish: Carbon

Double Vanity Master Bathrooms

For master baths, a double vanity is typical, and supports two sink bases cabinets. Additionally, it supports a combination drawer and door combinations. Available in 42” and 48” widths. Custom features include central vanity towers, tall linen closets, knee drawers, wall cabinet shelving, and more. 

double vanity with white Shaker cabinets, gray countertop with two black beveled mirrors above
A double vanity provides ample storage in this master bathroom.

Photo gallery of remodeled bath features CliqStudios Austin Painted White cabinets
Remodeled inset-style bathroom featuring two double vanities and a 1-door, 1-drawer single vanity, and a tall linen cabinet. Style: Austin-CH. Finish: Painted White.
Beautifully designed new construction home features master bathroom including Austin inset-style cabinets in painted White to create furniture-style double vanity.
Master bathroom featuring two 6-drawer sink base vanities, a 3-drawer vanity, and a vanity tower stacked on a furniture drawer.
Bath remodeling project features shaker-style cabinetry by, shown in Dayton style in Birch Sable finish.
Modern bath design includes double vanity built with dark shaker cabinets. The custom-cut mirror creates a central focal point, making the space feel extra spacious. Style: Dayton. Finish: Birch Sable
double vanity in white bath is built of semi-custom shaker cabinets topped with white marble
Beautiful master bath with a double vanity topped with white marble. Style: Rockford; Finish: Painted White
bath has generous cabinetry, including double vanity, open shelves and ceiling-high stacked cabinets in white shaker style with brushed nickel trim
Stacked cabinetry and a base corner cabinet provide this master bathroom with plenty of storage. Style: Dayton; Finish: Painted White
Owners ensuite (master bath) in new home includes custom vanity featuring inset cabinets, glass display case stacked on counter and gray marble vanity to with undermount sinks and vintage-look light fixtures.
Owners ensuite (master bath) in new home includes custom vanity featuring inset cabinets, glass display case stacked on counter and gray marble vanity to with undermount sinks and vintage-look light fixtures. Style: Austin-CH. Finish: Painted White
double vanity features low counter between sink units and stacked cabinets on ends, built of white shaker semi-custom cabinets with furniture detailing
Master bathroom featuring shaker style 3-drawer sink base vanities with stacked storage towers, a floating furniture drawer, and ogee base molding. Style: Dayton. Finish: Painted White
CliqStudios bath cabinets shown in Cambridge Studio Gray door style and finish

Remodeled master bathroom featuring abundant storage. Style: Dayton. Finish: Painted White
3d rendering of cliqstudios kitchen design with white shaker cabinets and tea leaf kitchen island with seating

Ready to start your free design?

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and we’ll connect you with your personal designer.


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The Decorative Style Cabinet Door

The History of the Decorative Door Style

The decorative cabinet door styles ebb and flow in popularity. Both the seventies era and then the nineties saw the popularity of solid wood, stained, decorative style, cabinet doors. In the seventies the focus was earthy and natural, so the stained wood doors were the height of popularity. In the nineties the decorative door style, in stained wood, was once again very popular. This time it was with lighter more natural stains combined most often with white.  The focus was the warmth and coziness this created, with a country feel.

What Defines the Decorative Door Style?

The decorative style, sometimes with a raised panel, gives the door an extra level of detail. These cabinets provide a canvas to display the craftsmanship of the cabinetmaker and the beauty of the wood product. It provides a dynamic design element of depth and dimension to the cabinetry. Decorative style are cabinet doors that have extra trim details. A raised panel style is when the center portion of the panel is flush with the door framing. Decorative style doors call attention to themselves and elevate the look of the cabinetry, contributing an upscale look to the kitchen design.

CliqStudios offers several beautiful, raised panel or decorative style cabinet doors. Each line has styles in both stained wood and painted surfaces. Many of today’s styles have a more subtle design than doors of the past, but they reflect the dimension and depth of design that this style is known for.

Craftsman Line

Mason Style

 Traditional styling with a farmhouse flair. The 1 1/4 overlay adds visual interest while the back bevel profile on all four edges, adds  dimension and a feeling of sturdiness.

Signature Plus Line

Fairfield Style

Tailored details like the stepped interior profiling and eased outside edge provide simple and fresh styling.

Lenox Style

Elegant, mitered applied molding offers a sophisticated style in a flat panel door.

Signature Line

Carlton Style

A raised panel style featuring mitered corners, crisp stepped inside waterfall profile and a slab drawer front.

Mendota Style

A raised panel door and slab drawer front with gracefully stepped outside edges and beveled center panel provides a clean, crisp profile.

Lyndale Style

Scalloped raised panel, 5-piece doors and drawer fronts with eased-waterfall edges blends beautifully with traditional home décor.

Cambridge Style

A raised panel door and 5-piece drawer front with gracefully stepped outside edges and beveled center panel provides a clean, crisp profile.

Bayport Style

Scalloped raised panel, 5-piece doors and slab drawer fronts with eased-waterfall edges blends beautifully with traditional home décor.

For complete information on all of the decorative door styles available at CliqStudios, please visit us here . Or if you would like assistance connect with our  team of designers .

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How To Create Your Temporary Kitchen During a Remodel

During the course of a major remodel, the kitchen is often out of use for nearly two months. Your family will still need to eat. Restaurants will quickly grow old (and expensive), so you will want to plan an area to create quick meals. If your home doesn’t have a second, smaller kitchen, you will want to create a temporary kitchen to use during the remodel.

Temporary kitchens may not be very glamorous, but will suffice for a few months while the new kitchen is being built.

There are seven steps to creating a temporary kitchen:

Find a location in the home with a sink and faucet. A low-traffic bathroom or utility room generally works.Designate the countertop as a food preparation area. A small card table can also be moved into the area for additional work space.Move your microwave into this location as well. You’ll want it out of the real kitchen, and close to where the food is.If you can, move your refrigerator near the temporary kitchen area too. If your full-size refrigerator won’t fit, consider buying or borrowing one that will. An under-counter, college dorm room fridge to store the necessities is an easy fix.Don’t pack away all of your small appliances. Crock pots, hot plates, toasters, etc. are great to keep around for a variety of meals.Store silverware, dishes, kitchen utensils, and napkins nearby in large storage containers. If they are breakable, make sure to keep them far from ledges and out of reach from pets and small childrenKeep cleaning products, paper towels, and oven mitts readily available.

Having a space to eat and prepare food while undergoing a kitchen renovation can make a huge difference. While you might not want to host a dinner party in a temporary kitchen, it gets the job done for the few weeks you’ll be using it.

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Guide to Standard Drywall Sizes and Thicknesses

When building your own house or making repairs, you’ll need to decide what type of wall and ceiling surfaces you want. Drywall is widely used for interior walls and ceilings because it’s very economical and easy to install. The flat white and clean appearance makes it ideal for ceiling finishes and residential construction.

But choosing the right sizes and thicknesses for drywall isn’t an easy thing, but you definitely won’t need professional help. This guide shows different types of drywall sheets in various sizes and thicknesses. So, you can easily compare them by size, making it easier for you to choose which ones would work best for your project. Let’s get started!

Drywall Thickness

Drywall comes in 3/8″, 1/2″ and 5/8″ thicknesses or in metric 6, 9.5, or 12.7mm. Standard US drywall is 1/2″ (12.7mm) thick, while the other two are called “non-standard.” Building codes also have some requirements when it comes to standard thickness. The building code dictates the thickness of each application.

1/4 Inch-Thick Drywall

This is not very common, and it’s used as a skimming material for placing over an existing surface. You can also use these thin drywall sheets to install drywall on the slightly curved surface. If the drywall is not meeting the curve, you need to add a layer of mesh tape and compound before applying another thin sheet.

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1/2 Inch Drywall

This is the most common type of drywall used in construction, and it can be found in all building and construction material stores and outlets. Thanks to their standard thickness, the regular 1/2″ (12.7mm) sheets are suitable for interior walls. 

They’re very easy to carry and hang. It’s the most versatile board and common thickness for the 16-inch on-center interior walls. It provides a great balance between strength and weight.

5/8-Inch drywall

If your ceilings or walls require a prescribed fire-resistant rating, then this is the right drywall thickness for you. It’s a heavier product that can resist sagging in your ceilings and 24-inch wall. It’s also the thickness standard for fire-resistant or fire-code drywall, mostly found in garages. This added thickness also improves soundproofing.

Due to its excellent soundproofing qualities, 5 8 works well in bedrooms and living areas. However, you’ll have to pay more for this type of drywall than 1 2 inches thick and smaller.

3/8-Inch drywall

When you’re looking to fix drywall patches or if your drywall is damaged and worn out, this is a great drywall thickness you need to consider. It’s the best option for home remodeling projects. Note that it doesn’t offer the strength of 1/2-inch panels.

Drywall Sizes

The length and width of drywall sheets usually come in 4x. The most common ones include 4-foot by 8-foot, 4-foot by 12-foot, and 4-foot by 16-foot sheets. The building codes don’t dictate the requirements for drywall sizes. The sizes are determined by the needs of the architect, builder, and client. 

4-Foot by 8-Foot drywall

This is the most common size of drywall. It’s commonly used because it’s easy to carry. Working and installing this type of drywall is very easy. However, it’s not the best option for remodeling jobs because its small size is limiting. You can’t use this type of drywall in rooms more than 8-feet wide and 12-feet long.

A drywall board size with these dimensions together with the thickness of 1 2 makes it manageable. It’s the biggest sheet ideal for a DIY project because you can easily carry and lift it into place. It allows for both vertical and horizontal installation. 

4-Foot by 12-Foot drywall

For long and tall drywall, you can find drywall in lengths of 12 or 16 feet. So, if you have long and tall walls, go for this size of drywall. If you also want an unbroken line from floor to ceiling and prefer a smooth surface when working with a long and high wall, this is the best solution.

These longer sheets also produce fewer butt joints than 8-foot-long sheets. However, they are heavy to carry by a single person, so if you’re going to install them at your home, make sure you have people around to help you. 

2-Foot by 2-Foot drywall

This type of drywall size is best when you have small spaces. When you also need to do some patchwork around your stairs, alcove, and nooks, opt for this drywall size. It’s not the standard size of drywall, but you’ll find it at local hardware stores and home improvement stores.

lternatives to Drywall Sizes

When your wall panels come in lengths and widths instead of four feet multiples, then those are not drywall panels. They are cement board or drywall alternatives such as DRIcor Smartwall. 4-1/2-foot wide drywall sheets are not very common in the consumer market, but you can get them with special orders. They are rarely available in home improvement centers and are only used by professionals.

Types of Drywall

While standard drywall works well for bedrooms and living areas, there are other types of drywall for special purposes. Here are the types of drywall that you should consider on your next home project. They are excellent in humid areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.

Types of Drywall
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Fire-Resistant Drywall

Fire-resistant drywall contains glass fibers and other materials, enabling them to endure flames more than any other type of drywall. You can use it in the laundry room, near furnaces, stairwells, and garage ceilings. It will help reduce flames from spreading in case of fire break out.

In addition, they enable the walls to generate less smoke and are also good for sound control. When renovating your home, the building codes will request you to use a fireboard with fiberglass in areas where you have rooms with wood studs. You’ll also be required to install this type x drywall if you have furnaces, garages, and utility rooms.

buse-Resistant Drywall

This is the type of drywall that can withstand any abuse. It has a polystyrene layer that bonds well to the non-decorative gypsum board.

Mold and Moisture-Resistant Drywall

Both mold and moisture-resistant drywall panels are paperless panels with a special coating that blocks moisture and helps prevent mold growth. So, if you’re wondering how to get rid of mold from your home, installing this drywall will be your first solution. This combination is an excellent choice for bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. As it reduces mold, it extends the appearance and lifespan of surfaces.

Cement Board Drywall

Cement board drywall is durable drywall that’s designed to be installed on plywood or studs. It is available in 1/2-inch and 5/8-inch thicknesses. The cement board is made by sandwiching a cement core between two layers of fiberglass mat. You can use this type of drywall behind ceramic tile and marble for high moisture areas. It’s the hardest material to cut.

It’s also known as a backer board and can also be used under floors and counters. Its moisture-resistant quality makes it ideal for high-moisture areas.

Standard Sheet Drywall

This is the common type of drywall. It is ideal for residential remodeling and basements. It doesn’t have any interesting features and can be used for ceilings and residential interior walls.

Square-Edged Drywall

This type of drywall is most common, and it’s fitted into standard studs 16 inches apart. If you’re looking to plaster your ceiling or wall, here is the drywall solution for you.

Fire Code Drywall

Fire code drywall is thicker than half-inch material. It has a special gypsum core that resists heat and provides fire protection. Despite having a heavier core, it’s still easy to cut.

Tapered-Edge Sheets

This type of drywall sheet is great for finishing walls. The tapered ends allow the compound fillers between gaps.

Foil-Backed Drywall

They don’t offer much moisture resistance like moisture-resistant boards. But, it’s suitable for areas with less moisture but more for colder temperatures.

FAQS on Guide to Standard Drywall Sizes and Thicknesses

What is the best thickness of standard drywall?

Most drywall measures 1/2-inch thickness, which is the most common for interior walls. This is because they are easy to carry and hang, unlike other types of thickness.

What sizes does drywall come with?

The standard size of drywall includes 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 16 feet. However, 8, 12, and 16 work well for residential construction, so you’ll find it in most retail hardware stores.

Is it better to hang drywall vertically or horizontally?

Fire codes require seams to fall on the length of the framing, especially on commercial jobs, so ensure you hang your drywall horizontally. If your walls are 9 feet higher or shorter, hanging your drywall horizontally will leave you with more benefits.

Final Thought on the Guide to Standard Drywall Sizes and Thicknesses

As you can see, it’s very important to be careful when choosing drywall because choosing the wrong size and thickness can break your project. You don’t want to spend a lot of money and time on your home improvement project only to end up with losses.


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How to Clean Silver with Frugal Silver Cleaner

How to Clean Silver with Frugal Silver Cleaner

Cleaning your antique and silver jewelry is very simple and easy. But only if you use the right products. The best way to ensure your pieces’ longevity is to use a frugal recipe for cleaning silver.

Instead of using harsh chemicals that might damage the finish or cause it to darken, this frugal silver cleaner uses common household ingredients like baking soda and vinegar.  This method of cleaning sterling silver is simple, cheap, and doesn’t use any heavy chemicals.

But how do you do it? This article will teach you how to clean sterling silver with a simple method that’s easy on your hands, as well as saving you money.

What You’ll Need

Aluminum foilGlass baking panBaking sodaSoft, clean white ragHot waterTwo tablespoon saltTea kettle or coffee pot for boiling water


Line the Baking Pan with the Aluminum Foil in the Washtub

Lay down a layer of aluminum foil in the bottom of a large wash-tub for easy cleanup later. Fill your container with hot water, especially the boiling water from a coffee pot or any other container from which you can pour it safely. After that, place your jewelry on top of the aluminum foil.

Don’t worry if you don’t have aluminum foil, instead, use a clean aluminum lasagna-style baking dish. Make sure you throw away your dish after using it to clean the silver.

Cover Baking Pan with Boiling Water

Pour some boiling water into the baking pan that’s large enough to hold your silverware, until it’s more than halfway full. You will need more water if you’re cleaning heavily tarnished silver. This will help restore the shine to your silver, and it will also help the boiling water dissolve the grime.

dd Salt and Baking Soda

Sprinkle in two tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of baking soda. After sprinkling baking soda, pour some boiling water to cover the jewelry in the pan and allow it to sit for a few minutes. 

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Your solution will bubble and smell. The chemical reaction will cause a sulfur smell, but will not be too strong as it will go away quickly once it’s done. You can also achieve a great silver polish by adding washing soda to hot water.

dd the Silver

Place your silver into the water and ensure they are touching the aluminum foil. However, the silver pieces should not touch each other. Add the dishwashing soap and let the silver set for about 12 hours. Use wooden or plastic utensils to turn over your solver pieces.

Do not use metal and avoid using your fingers in hot water to allow as many surfaces of the item to touch the aluminum foil. The chemical reaction taking place in the container should be able to eliminate dirt and stains.

Soak the Silver

Allow your silver to soak for about two to three minutes on each side. For lightly tarnished silver, you’ll require several minutes for it to be restored. But for heavily tarnished silver, you may require a few treatments. So, soak heavily tarnished items for as long as five minutes and if the water cools down, don’t hesitate to add more hot water, plus salt and baking soda.

Remove the Silver

Take your silver items out of the water. The tarnish should have already started to peel off, which means it’s time to clean the item with a gentle brush or towel. You can use a soft cloth or paper towel for this task in case you prefer not to use your hands in hot water. 

Once your silver is clean, remove it from the pan then rinse it with clean water. Let it air dry before storing away. Never use gloves when you’re cleaning silver as this may cause the items to become scratched. 

Tips for Keeping Your Silver Clean for Long

Shine and Polish

You need to keep your silver jewelry shiny all the time with a quick and routine washing using warm water and mild dishwashing soap. Swish your jewelry around in the water for some minutes, rinse, and then buff dry.

Shine and Polish
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void Bleach and Harsh Chemicals

You must not use your silver jewelry with cleaning detergent and bleach that can ruin their surface. Some jewelers suggest using vinegar and baking soda for brightening the silver’s finish when cleaned at home. Vinegar is also safe for all metals, including sterling silver, but if you do not feel comfortable using it, commercial silver cleaners are also good.

Store Your Silver Jewelry in a Dry Location

Never expose your jewelry to direct sunlight or heat because it can cause tarnishing when the metal reacts with sulfur and other chemicals in the air. Store your items in a dry location if you are not wearing them regularly to stop tarnishing too. 

Also, do not put your silver pieces away when they are still damp. Moisture causes silver to tarnish faster, so make sure your pieces are completely dry before storing them.

Soak the Naturally in Sea Salt

Leave the metal pieces in sea salt overnight, especially if you have already tried all-purpose cleaning products and have not noticed any improvements. Seawater is known for its high volume of natural salts that can help remove tarnish very easily. This helps clean silver naturally without damaging it.

Salt and baking soda are great cleaning products to use when you want to make your own silver polish. Combine one part salt with two parts baking soda, put them on a cloth or paper towel, and apply the mixture directly onto tarnished silver pieces. 

Rub the piece gently to remove any signs of tarnishing, rinse off all the mixture, and dry the piece with a clean cloth. This homemade silver cleaner will remove tarnish without harming your silver plating.

Use Toothpaste

Toothpaste also can be used in a pinch when a silver cleaner is not available. Apply a small amount of toothpaste onto a dry cloth or paper towel and apply it directly to the piece that you would like to clean. Gently rub the silver in a circular motion, rinse with water, and dry with a clean cloth. This method will remove tarnish from the silver piece without scratching it.

After you are finished cleaning your silver, make sure to properly store them so they do not tarnish again. Keep the pieces in air-tight containers and place a piece of tissue paper on top of the container before sealing it. This will help absorb any moisture that may seep into the container and cause tarnish.

Use Your Silver Jewelry

It’s recommended to use silver jewelry and silverware more often as this will prevent them from tarnishing. Be sure to wipe each piece before you put it away and seal it properly in a container. If your silver is already tarnished, it may be too late for simple cleaning.  If this is the case, consider taking a trip to see a professional who can remove the tarnish from your silver effectively.

FAQs on How to Clean Silver with Frugal Silver Cleaner

Can you use silver cleaner on sterling silver?

 Yes, you can use silver cleaner on sterling silver. This silver cleaner quickly removes tarnish and restores shine and brilliance to your silverware.

How often do you clean your silverware?

You should be cleaning your silverware at least once per week in order to prevent tarnish. This is not only for aesthetic reasons, but because the chemicals used in most silverware can actually eat away at your skin and cause reactions that will be costly to treat.

Final Thought on How to Clean Silver with Frugal Silver Cleaner

Improper cleaning of your antique silver plate and good-quality silver jewelry can make it lose value. Therefore, it’s important to know how to clean silver and the correct way of cleaning it. If you’re in doubt about how to clean your valuable silver, it may be best to call in professional help.


The post How to Clean Silver with Frugal Silver Cleaner appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.


How To Replace Toilet Fill Valve

If your toilet is losing water or making a loud noise when you flush it, this probably means that it’s time for a new fill valve.

Replacing a fill valve can be done in under an hour and will save you money on your monthly water bill. You’ll also avoid the hassle of having to call a plumber every time something goes wrong with your toilet. It’s easy to do, and we’re here to show you how. 

A fill valve opens and closes every time you flush your toilet, exposing it to wear and tear. Therefore, you need to replace it. Also, if you have an old fill valve model with a float ball, you have to consider that new model and replace the dependable fill valve with its integrated float cup. 

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to replace your fill valve so that you can get back up and running as quickly as possible without breaking the bank.

What You’ll Need

Sponge and bucketNew fill valveTape measureAdjustable wrench

Turn Off the Water Supply

First, turn off the water supply for the toilet fill valve at the wall tank by turning the shutoff valve clockwise with a wrench. Make sure you turn off the water from outside of your toilet before doing any repair. The valve should be below your tank, and it should be located where the water pipes enter the tank from the wall.

Make sure you turn off the shutoff valve until it stops moving. After that, move around your home and turn on all the fixtures to confirm if they’re off. This will also drain off the residual water pressure from your home’s plumbing system. This will help you avoid water damage due to floods.

Drain Your Toilet Tank

Once you’ve turned off the water, drain your tank before disconnecting the toilet fill valve. Begin by flushing your toilet by holding the flushing handle down to remove as much water as possible from your tank. After that,  use a bucket to remove the rest of the water in your tank. You can use an old towel or sponge to remove the excess water. Once you’ve drained all the water, unhook the old flapper. Then, buy a new flapper of the same type.

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The flapper is simply a rubber valve that fills with water when you flush the toilet, blocking the overflow tube for your tank. After you have the new flapper in hand, place it on top of the fill valve’s overflow pipe to see if it fits over without any issues.

Check the Fill Valve for a Leak

Flush your valve, then look for a valve leak. Lift your toilet float arm to let all the water out of your tank. Check under the rim for any water that has leaked from the tank after it is empty. Use a wrench to adjust the toilet float arm so that the tank stops filling when the water level is half-inch to one inch below the top of the overflow pipe. If your valve still leaks, then you need to replace it.

Remove the Old Fill Valve

Turn off your water supply, then flush the toilet and sponge the remaining water from your tank. Disconnect the water supply line, unscrew your fill valve lock nut and remove the old fill valve. Try to remove the lock nut with your bare hand before using the adjustable wrench; if you can’t, then use your wrench to hold the nut and turn it one-quarter turn at a time.

Remove the Old Fill Valve
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Disconnect the refill tube from your overflow tube, then lift off the fill valve. You can also take this moment to clean the inside of your tank, especially if the flush valve is leaking. You can also learn how to replace the flush valve of your toilet.

Prepare Your New Valve

Make sure you buy a new flapper of the same type as the one you removed from your local store. Slide the rubber washer included in your kit onto the bottom flange on the fill valve tailpiece. The washer is very important as it provides a watertight seal. You can also adjust the height of the fill valve if necessary.

Different fill valves have different methods of adjusting the height. But it’s simple as you only need to screw the stem piece shorter or longer to accommodate the height you want. In most cases, the top of your fill valve should be slightly taller than the height of your overflow pipe but not so tall to prevent the tank lid from closing.

Installing the New Fill Valve

Remove your new fill valve from the packaging and read the directions it comes with. Don’t forget to clip your new refill tube to the overflow tube. Take the threaded nut in your kit and screw it onto the bottom flange on the fill valve tailpiece, but do not tighten it yet. Take out measuring tape and measure the distance between the top cap of the valve and the top of the overflow tube.

Remove your fill valve and adjust the height. Hold the valve body using one hand and using the other hand to tighten the nut. If using a clawfoot model, tighten at least two inches beyond the overflow tube. If your fill valve is at its maximum height, but the overflow pipe is still higher than the critical level mark, you will need to install a new overflow tube.

If the shutoff valve is higher than necessary, use a wrench to carefully loosen the nut on top of the fill valve and raise or lower it so that it meets the height requirement. Tighten all nuts and fittings with your wrench. Turn the water back on through the wall stop.

When you’ve properly adjusted the height, pull your fill valve back in position and screw in the lock nut from underneath your toilet tank to hold your new fill valve firmly. Make sure you tighten the mounting nut, so it’s hand tight. 

After that, connect the water supply line back to the new valve and hand tighten it to secure it to the valve. Do not overtighten it, or you might risk cracking your fixture’s tank. Turn on the water again and check for leaks.

Connect the Fill Tube to the Fill Valve

The fill tube that’s attached to your new toilet is fairly long. You’ll need to connect it to the fill valve at the bottom of the tank. The end that fits into the valve should be cut squarely, so you get an easy fit. If this isn’t done, you get leaks or other problems, so make sure you check this before moving on to the next step. 

Attach one end of your new valve to the fill valve nipple and the other to the enclosed angle adapter. Clip your angle adapter onto the overflow pipe, then finish your installation by attaching your flapper chain to the overflow pipe.

Reconnect the Water Lines

Open the shut-off valve and let the water fill your toilet tank. Check if your new fill valve is filling your tank faster, quieter and the water level is below half-inch below the overflow tube. Confirm if no water is running from the tank to the toilet bowl. Flush the toilet a couple of times to double-check if your new valve is performing optimally. If everything is working correctly, but the toilet tank lid back and enjoy your toilet. You can also consider learning how to stop a toilet from running as these are plumbing skills you might need more often than you think.

FAQS on How to Replace Toilet Fill Valve

How do you know a bad fill valve?

You can identify a bad fill valve if you see the bottom of the washer deteriorating and causing a leak. If you see your fill valve not filling, then you may need to replace your valve.

Why do toilet valves fail?

Fill valves provide water to the toilet bowl, and when they break, the water stops flowing. Such is why you need to replace them with new ones.

re toilet valves universal?

Most toilet fill valves are interchangeable and can fit standard tank openings in any toilet. But it’s important to consider the sizes, especially the length of the valve stem.

Final Thought on How to Replace Toilet Fill Valve

As you can see, replacing your toilet fill valve is quite simple and easy. With a few tools and materials, you can replace your valve fill within a few minutes, and you’re done. And if your toilet is still running after replacing the fill valve, consider looking at the toilet flapper or another cause of a running toilet.


The post How To Replace Toilet Fill Valve appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

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